Tillman on Lamya H: “Your complaint is that your psychology professor was too””fat? I am so sorry. I can see that that would ruin your freshman experience. You were expecting? Luke Skywalker during his youth? Princess Leia Organa during her Jabba the Hutt years?”
From: Seth Barrett Tillman, Return of the Letter to a Young Social Justice Warrior””responding to Lamya H.’s: A personal history of Islamophobia in America, Vox (January 15, 2016), http://ssrn.com/abstract=2719141.
(Related post: “Dear Young Social Justice Warrior”.)
SJWs are the brownshirts of modern day fascism. It is inevitable that socialism turns into fascism or communism. This was proved by the great socialists of the 1920s. Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini who championed the idea that socialism could work in one country. They produced facism.
Lenin and Stalin argued that Socialism can only work if the entire world is socialist. They gave the world international communism. Now that the Communist party in China and Russia has collapsed, the neo-cons in Washington are trying to rebuild a world empire dominated by a Communist government in Washington headed by the progressive party’s best long term communist – Bernie Sanders.
the neo-cons in Washington are trying to rebuild a world empire dominated by a Communist government in Washington headed by the progressive party’s best long term communist – Bernie Sanders.
The neo-cons? Ha! What?
You neocons better stay off Bernie’s lawn.
neo-cons and bernie sanders. Politics make strange bedfellows.
Neo-cons will conquer the world. President Bernie Sanders will make it communist. Delicious.