So what did you all think of Pres Trump’s SOTU “American Heritage Pheromone Fumigation” of the Congress? Trump’s systemic use of American symbols and American success stories, in short American Patriotism, had political and media elites melting down. The videos of the Democrats during and after Trump’s speech certainly showed a lot of people who were acting like they were smelling week old road kill.
So what was Pres. Trump up too and what does the Nunes Memo have to do with it?
On the surface, Trump mentioned nothing about the FBI and Department of Justice civil rights abuses of his campaign and the spying on him during the first six months of his Administration, detailed in the Nunes Memo. Despite the President reading and vetting it during his preparation for the State of The Union Address and executing plans against these scoff law internal security thugs.
Huge hint — It was part and parcel of Trump’s long term political strategy tree in setting up the Nunes Memo release last Friday (2 Feb 2018). So far only Daniel Greenfield over at Frontpage understands anything at all of what Trump was doing.
The Nunes Memo and the Defenestration of The Deep State
The American Republic is about rule of law through constitutional process.
Publicly exercising those atrophied constitutional process muscles is another “American Heritage Pheromone” which will hearten and increase the size of Trump’s governing coalition while disheartening the Left, which hates America.
And Trump is not taking his time on process because he loves constitutional process for its own sake. There are structural reasons. He is multi-tasking like mad on every front — cultural, economic, political and national security. Plus major Federal espionage investigations that can survive real court challenge without spoiling sources and methods of intelligence — investigations of the type the Chairman Nunes and Inspector General Horowitz have kicked off — run a minimum of a year and usually closer to two.
Additionally, this isn’t a foreign espionage case. It is more akin to a major organized crime family case with a huge amount of political corruption and with an ideologically aligned national-corporate media support wing we have never seen before in such cases. The Federal prosecutor hand book is getting 10 new chapters for political & media corruption.
That said, the major behind the scenes investigative phase of this process is over. What is happening now is a choreographed dance of Federal prosecutorial pressure on the primary Deep State suspects while they are under surveillance to get the small fry to roll over for the big fish.
The signs and portents make clear Trump is running on a political-judicial process time line which will see many big fish in the FBI & DoJ indited and given very public hand and leg maniacal ‘perp walks’ in September 2018.
Another and related “multi-task for instance” here is Trump is party building like mad. The mass turn over of the GOP in the House is a purge of the sexual harassment abusers ahead of a mass release of sexual harassment pay out data by Speaker Ryan after most of the Democratic primaries are over. Likely in late August to have the maximum disruptive affect for setting up the Chairman Nunes/FISA Abuse perp walks.
The key thing here is the President Nixon and Watergate example. The GOP did not double down to save Nixon and took the Presidency and Senate seven years later in 1980.
The Democrats are Leftists who live inside an identity bubble. Per the SJW handbook, they are going to double down and double down some more. This is setting them up to suffer a post-1860’s generational run of being out of power as the “Party of Sedition.”
IMO, Trump has his priorities right — the economy, disassembling the Left’s internal security state, closing the border, taking down the “Axis of Evil” abroad and re-branding/rebuilding the GOP in his populist “Heritage American” image for the long term.
Deep State Schadenfreude & Popcorn Giggles
Now for some popcorn eating giggles — remember that Federal prosecutorial pressure template? All the Leftist Deep State perps in the DoJ, FBI and wider intelligence community are utterly familiar with it and have executed it for decades.
The major question in my mind is whether targeting the Justice-Intelligence complex was his principal intent all along or whether it got top priority after Adm. Rogers told him what was going on. I suspect he didn’t really know how deep the swam was. But he’s doing a heckuva job of draining it. Great learning curve. Second term should be a dusie.
Mrs. Davis,
See a Trump Defenestration plan coming together here:
Devin Nunes open to releasing transcript of Andrew McCabe testimony about FISA application
He’s spent over a year orchestrating this production. It will be interesting to see what Adm. Rogers has to say after he retires. Grassley and Horowitz are teed up. This slow roll out is really giving the uniparty swamp dwellers an opportunity to self identify. It didn’t take McCain long to show his colors.
One other big question in my mind is will Strock get the Manafort wake up call? And who will per walk McCabe? FBI, U. S. Marshalls or JSOC?
The following is for Death 6 and Mike K —
“The Spanish Civil War Is Coming” is a term an e-mail correspondent of mine and I coined in 2007 about the times we have faced from 2007 to 2 Feb 2018.
The Nunes memo means Left has done something serious enough to trigger a fight for all the marbles – NOW – but not definitive enough to the “Normies” to be an obvious act of war.
The Nunes Memo was the Rubicon, and everything from here on out is battlespace preparation.
America’s 2nd Civil War is not only inevitable. The bottom line of the failed FBI-DoJ intervention in the 2016 election results is that the 2nd American Civil War is here.
It was a straight up “Fire on Ft. Sumter moment” because it said the Left — those who are no longer our fellow citizens — don’t accept the results of free and fair elections they lose.
Especially when they worked so hard to fix the outcome for Hillary and still lost.
When I wrote this in the post above —
“It is more akin to a major organized crime family case with a huge amount of political corruption and with an ideologically aligned national-corporate media support wing we have never seen before in such cases.”
It means America has a political corruption problem in the capitol and wider ruling class much more akin to the scale of organized crime faced in Mexico and Colombia.
Which is to say, we’re now in a low grade civil war.
If Trump’s legal prosecution strategy of the Left’s entrenched Federal internal security wing goes well enough, we may yet win with minimal armed conflict.
But, minimally, we should expect there will be large multiples of the “Black Lives Matters” terrorism we saw here in Dallas before this is over.
>>And who will perp walk McCabe? FBI, U. S. Marshall’s or JSOC?
It’s trending U. S. Marshall’s with JSOC back up.
The question on the table is whether there is an FBI in 5-years,
Trent, very thought provoking, they are coming.
Mike K, you got my attention as well. Very clarifying for me. I trust for others as well.
Getting out my cleaning supplies and inventorying my conflict assets.
“…we may yet win with minimal armed conflict.” Let it be so.
Trent,I hope you are not half as crazy as I fear you are…
I am anticipating open violence, with both sides fighting instead of just one as now, within the year. IF a legal prosecution strategy seems to be having an effect, the enemy will resort to open warfare. There will be more assassination attempts, some of which will almost surely be successful. If they take out Trump, it will be on. But he is not the only target they will be aiming at.
Re: your Spanish Civil War metaphor. The trigger may be something akin to a Jose Calvo-Sotelo moment like in that war, or it may be the death of one or more as yet unknown regular citizens killed by Democrats or their street thugs. But we are waiting for the trigger.
For those unfamiliar with the Spanish Civil War, in the 1930’s Spain was in its Second Republic. In February 1936 the Communist “Popular Front” won the Parliamentary [the Cortes] election and the premiership. Calvo-Sotelo was a member of the Cortes and the leader of the conservative parliamentary opposition. Legal, law-abiding, constitutional.
In early July 1936 Calvo-Sotelo handed Popular Front Premier Indalecio Prieto his own nether regions in several pieces in a debate in Parliament, embarrassingly so. On July 13 a truckload of Guardia de Asalto [the Communist street thug army], Guardia Civil [the official State Police], and personal bodyguards of Prieto led by his chief bodyguard Luis Cuenca kidnapped Calvo-Sotelo from in front of his family at home in broad daylight. He was taken to a local cemetery and shot and killed as vengeance for embarrassing the Premier.
Despite there being family and neighbors who identified the kidnappers, the Popular Front government professed that they could not solve the crime.
The murder of the legally elected opposition leader was one [and definitely not the only one] major factor that led the Spanish Army of Africa under several generals including Francisco Franco, to rebel on July 17, beginning the Spanish Civil War.
I will note that when the violence becomes no longer one-sided, American patriots are better armed, better trained, and far more tactically pragmatic. I am a retired Peace Officer, and while I worked for State agency, my whole career was in small towns. The cops who I knew, and my State compatriots, took their Oath seriously. There was more than one conversation about how the badge comes off if the politicians give orders that violate the Constitution. It was also noted that in small towns everyone knows where the cops and their families live. That is a salient point in a civil war. In larger cities that factor is not as large, but cities are more Leftist and largely targets . . . and the war will include more siege tactics.
Keep thine codpieces buttoned.
Curses, moderated again ;-)
I forgot to say something. If we still have an FBI in its current form in 5 years, it means that we have lost the first phase of ACW 2.0.
It’s not a civil war if only one side has guns.
If “they” take out Trump you can bet that “we” will be framed for it. A white male, military veteran, history of right of centre politics and/or GOP affiliation, anti-immigrant posts and public marches, ideally with convictions stemming from violence against brown people.
Understand this from the get go, anyone taking up arms on the right will be publicly vilified by the entire establishment. No matter how just the motive, how considered the action, you will be nothing more than insane killers and the powers that be will spare no wrath when it comes to neutralising you. You’ll be killed most probably, there will be no arrests. You family will be arrested though, probably convicted of conspiracy to commit terrorism or some such and put away for life, your property confiscated… everything you value will be taken.
And frankly, this is why no one is going to do anything about the deep state tyranny. They have everyone scared and with good reason. If 10,000 people all acted simultaneously, it might overwhelm the deep states ability to respond. But it won’t be that, it will be a little group here, then one over there. Small, isolated units are easy to clamp down on with overwhelming force.
I just don’t see people who work for a living, with families and mortgages and respect for the law going out and shooting some local politician, city hall staffer or police officer they’ve never met before. That what fighting back would look like from our side. I can’t see it.
Mr Black,
Men with families are the ones who threw out the British and fought the 1861 – 1865 American Civil War.
And this time out there are things like home brew attack drones that you can print at home.
Tom Holsinger,
Nineteen sixties style civil unrest and urban terrorism followed by pogrom if soon and a GOP government.
A real civil war if we have a California-esque Democratic Federal government after Trump.
Subotai Bahadur, thanks for providing background information for the Spanish Civil War. Having read Stanley Payne on the Spanish Civil War (Also his Spain: A Unique history) I would agree that the refusal of the Popular Front to prosecute the police who murdered José Calvo Sotelo, the leading opposition leader in Parliament, was the trigger point for the Spanish Civil War.
His debating skill in Parliament certainly made him one of the most prominent,if not the most prominent, leaders of the opposition to the Popular Front. However, his kidnapping and murder was most likely revenge for the murder of Popular Front police officer, Assault Guard officer Lt. Jose del Castillo. Falangists did the killing. Calvo Sotelo’s debating skills made him a likely target.
In Spain: A Unique History, Stanley Payne lays out the “breakdown” thesis for the cause of the Spanish Civil War- a breakdown of law and constitutional order.
Your list has a lot of overlap between what is happening here, now and what is looming over us in various forms from the Left.
They will do what they will do. We will do what we will do to protect our children’s futures. And Darwin take the hindmost.
I don’t think you all have any idea the extent of the sunlight that is coming for the Deep State yet.
Chairman Nunes has five more memos in-process. His next one covers the State Department.
Dept. of Justice Inspector General Horowitz report on the FBI-DoJ interference with the election is up next.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Grassley has a Deep State Abuse memo in the hopper.
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte has a memo of his own in process.
Taken together, there will be one “Nunes Memo” class disclosure of Deep State misconduct and power abuse a month between now and the the Nov 2018 elections.
And interspersed between these memos will be releases of underlying documents supporting earlier reports.
Meanwhile, AG Sessions has 27 on-going leak investigations and will be opening many more covering all of the above.
The real key for the long term is Pres Trump appointed and the Senate approved an Inspector General to the National Security Administration after a lapse of several years.
This guy is combing through the master administrative record for classified files for FISA abuses related to all of the above.
The NSA IG Report(s) from the master FISA Administrative record will be available for the 2019-2020 election cycle.
All of the above is going to generate swarms of crowd sourced investigations of things like Ham radio licences, real estate transactions, political contributions, and which reporters and media organizations were Deep State tools or fools related to all of the above that will smoke out more lines of investigation for Trump’s “Defenestration of The Deep State” investigative teams.
This is what I mean by “Battlespace Preparation.”
Mr. Black,
The civil war has started. See this That is the rejection of the elite by the masses. It’s happening a lot as the elite adopt loonier and loonier stances that offend the common sense of the common man. It’s not yet violent, but it could be in the future. See also Shays Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion. The elite prevailed in those with the use of military force. That’s no longer allowed. The elite has to rely on the fear created by its control of the administrative state.
Caliphornia is about to show us how it’s done. After November the current Caliphornia government will be seen as conservative. There will be resistance. Middle class out migration will increase and tax revenues could fall. Caliphornia has very volatile revenue due to over reliance on income taxes. Any number of scenarios of government services being curtailed as a result of revenue shortfalls that cannot be made up in the capital markets. If services are curtailed to the largest population of poor people in the country this could lead to conducting politics out of doors.
Because the elite is losing the respect of the common man, at some point the lunacy of its policies will overcome the fear you describe. At that point, the masses resist and find that the elite really has very little power. Our tax system is built on the base of voluntary compliance by everyone. If broad based non-compliance occurred, the state would not be able to combat it using current enforcement mechanisms; they would be overwhelmed. Broad based resistance to the elite has been present in all the people’s revolutions for the last 30 years. There’s no reason to think our elite is immune.
“Dept. of Justice Inspector General Horowitz report on the FBI-DoJ interference with the election is up next.”
This is what the internet crazies have been pointing to for months. It’s the only thing on your list that won’t be dismissed as 100% pure partisanship.
But there is one wild card in all this–is Mueller a black hat or a white hat? The CW says the former. That’s the most likely scenario. In that case, the partisanship will get really, really nasty, but not in any particularly unprecedented way. If it’s the latter, then it’s curtains for the Democrat Party.
Unless I’m just misreading Davis’ reference, the revolt against the elite is a grand jury taking an oath to follow the existing law, then determining they don’t like the effects of the law and failing to uphold it and indict when there was probable cause? That is not a revolt against the elite (several of the members of the grand jury would easily fall into the elite category), but a small group deciding to over turn the law outside the the existing process. This is rebellion against the law and the legal process.
I see this as a manifestation of the SJW’s subverting the law because they can not or do not wish to amend it. Not much different that the city prosecutor of Baltimore bringing charges based on her feelings about an incident with no hope of conviction, unless she was able to impanel a jury of like acting SJW willing to use criminal law to validate their preconceptions and address perceived larger social issues by using scape goats of real people.
Mrs. Davis, help me if I have read this all wrong.
Jury nullification is 100% fine. Jurors, or grand jurors, are the voice of the community at that point, and if they don’t want to indict, then so be it. For instance, in NY state, the “SAFE Act” is incredibly unpopular in almost the whole state, and if the state tries to prosecute a perfectly law-abiding gun owner for some idiotic reason, then I sure as heck wouldn’t vote to indict them, even if they were breaking that stupid law. (Similarly, I also think it is a travesty that we separate the sentencing from the actual criminal court case–in a recent case near me, they tried a woman for murder, and resulted in a hung jury. Then they tried her again, this time for both murder AND manslaughter, and the jury found her not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter, then the judge threw the book at her–25 years–because manslaughter is a serious crime, don’t you know. It is clear that the jury thought that the murder case wasn’t proven, but there was enough strangeness going on that they were willing to convict her on the lesser crime, but I don’t think for a second they would have convicted her if they thought she’d get that sort of sentence.)
I do wonder about the specifics in that article, though. My understanding is that it literally never happens that an otherwise law-abiding citizen is arrested and charged for drug crimes. In almost every case, it is an added charge on top of some other crime. This is because as close to 100% as you care to get of criminals are drug users. It would be interesting to find out more details, but I think that’s unlikely.
You can see it either way. It depends on subsequent events. The common man is recognizing his values depart from the elite’s. That’s why we got Trump instead of a uniparty candidate. That’s why Trump won the general. If people see more and more rejections of the elite and they start spreading, that’s a widening civil war. Nullification, for whatever reason, represents subversion of the elite’s authority. That can become a viral habit. We’ll see.
Subotai Bahadur
In early July 1936 Calvo-Sotelo handed Popular Front Premier Indalecio Prieto his own nether regions in several pieces in a debate in Parliament, embarrassingly so. On July 13 a truckload of Guardia de Asalto [the Communist street thug army], Guardia Civil [the official State Police], and personal bodyguards of Prieto led by his chief bodyguard Luis Cuenca kidnapped Calvo-Sotelo from in front of his family at home in broad daylight. He was taken to a local cemetery and shot and killed as vengeance for embarrassing the Premier.
NYT Obituary of Dolores Ibarruri. a.k.a. “La Pasionaria,” famous for “No Pasarán.”
So the timeline is as follows.
July 11 Jose Calvo Sotelo gives speech in Parliament. La Pasionaria is reputed to tell him, “This is your last speech.”
July 12 Falangists kill Jose Castillo, a policemen with decided Popular Front tendencies.
July 13. Police kidnap and kill Jose Calvo Sotelo.
Though his kidnappers and killer[s] are known, the government arrests nobody.
For my final post on the Spanish Civil War, I present: Tom Lehrer: The Folk Song Army.
I grew up on Tom Lehrer. At the time it came out , I didn’t like the song, as I was one of the Folk Song Army, but now I like it.
This article was courtesy of Scott Addams this morning: I detest Trump, but a ‘redneck’ fixed my Prius with zip ties
Aside from the pathological deficit of self awareness, the Left’s biggest practical obstacle with civil war is nobody will be around to fix their gadgets.
That’s not a column, that’s a cry for help. That woman has serious problems.
Notice that she doesn’t say she offered to pay or that he refused payment for something so simple.
You may be right, and the legal/political route may be successful. But I tend to think that the Enemy’s reaction to this monthly drip, drip, drip [OK, really THUMP, THUMP, THUMP] may well be to as Mrs. Davis says, “conducting politics out of doors”. There is not much left of the social/political contract, and we are multiple hostile nations inside one set of borders.
President Trump: We Caught ‘Em! “Did we catch them in the act or what? You know what I’m talking about. Oh did we catch them in the act! They are very embarrassed. They never thought they were going to be caught. We caught ’em… It’s so much fun. We’re like the great sleuth.”
As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me. By the end of the drive, I felt heartbroken.
It’s all Trump’s fault!
Give me an R! Give me an I! Give me a C! Give me an O! What’s that spell?
“The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering, and it allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes which they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because they did not actually commit the crime personally.[1]”
Go read it. It will save you some time because you WILL read it eventually.
“In many cases, the threat of a RICO indictment can force defendants to plead guilty to lesser charges, in part because the seizure of assets would make it difficult to pay a defense attorney. Despite its harsh provisions, a RICO-related charge is considered easy to prove in court, as it focuses on patterns of behavior as opposed to criminal acts.[2]”
“Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity, one of which occurred after the effective date of this chapter and the last of which occurred within ten years (excluding any period of imprisonment) after the commission of a prior act of racketeering activity. The U.S. Supreme Court has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity-plus-relationship test in order to determine whether the facts of a specific case give rise to an established pattern. Predicate acts are related if they “have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise are interrelated by distinguishing characteristics and are not isolated events.” (H.J. Inc. v. Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.) Continuity is both a closed and open ended concept, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetition.”
The Nunes Memo and the next few releases will establish the predicate acts (two required). The following releases will tie in the targets to the continuing racketeering. The number of targets is potentially very large. Whether they take down Clinton and/or Obama is a political decision. Pray that President Trump makes a wise one.
Roy Lofquist,
You need to read this and think through the implications —
In March 2016 Carter Page Was an FBI Employee – In October 2016 FBI Told FISA Court He’s a Spy”¦
Posted on February 5, 2018 by sundance
Not only was it true that the election of Hillary meant the loss of American Freedom.
The same was true of Obama’s 2008 election and 2012 re-election.
Trump was American Freedom’s Return and the “FBI Spying on Trump scandal” was all about those Democratic Party internal security thugs and tyrants trying to avoid jail time for that loss of Freedom becoming public.
IOW, Its been “on” since Nov 2008.
And every time a Democratic party candidate is running for President.
This will make 2020 quite literally a war in the armed conflict sense, because Trump will absolutely run for re-election on those terms.
“It’s About Freedom, Stupid!”
The Carter-Page-was-an-FBI-agent story is the craziest thing I’ve heard since the Fusion-GPS-was-doing-702-requests story. What bizarro world are we living in? These things can’t possibly be true, can they? If the internet crazies are correct, and the IG report starts to put this stuff out there, it’s going to blow the political world to pieces. People aren’t at all prepared for the implications of this stuff.
“Mike K, you got my attention as well. Very clarifying for me. I trust for others as well.”
I am not convinced that the FBI is dirty from top to bottom. I think the top echelon in DC is dirty but, having a daughter who has been an agent for almost 20 years, I think there is nucleus of agents who care about the bureau and who will fight to keep it clean.
She is the one who is a lefty politically but who told me before the election that she would not vote for Hillary. I took this to mean that agents knew through the grapevine that she was dirty.
I’ll see her in two weeks and will ask her about all this. She was at one time preparing FISC applications for warrants. She is also a lawyer.
I’ll just leave this here. A hot Civil War may not go the way you think.
Mike, your daughter serves an evil master and you God damn well know it. And she does it willingly, with both eyes open.
Trent Telenko,
Keystone Kops! The FBI NY office ran a nickel and dime case to run up their numbers. The Russian “spies” were paying for an analysis of publicly available information. If they truly were “spies” trying to ferret out classified information then they should have been left in place and fed disinformation. The FBI used a phony, lying operative to solicit what appears to be a wholly legal action. This was a classic case of entrapment to make the agents look good. It’s the same as the major terrorist cases where they catch some sub normal Arab mouthing off and then make a terrorism case.
I’ll see her in two weeks and will ask her about all this. She was at one time preparing FISC applications for warrants. She is also a lawyer.
Looking forward to hearing what she has to say.
I hope he’s right.
Not agent, but employee. Sounds crazy to me also. But, CTH documents well and has seemed on the money on other things. Agree the IG report will tell the tale. Interesting times.
This Victor David Hansen column sounds right —
The FISA-Gate Boomerangs
”œWe are at the very beginning of the exposure of wronging by Obama-era DOJ and FBI officials ”” and their superiors ”” and have not begun to learn exactly why and how American citizens were improperly monitored, and by whom. In one of the strangest moments in the history of American journalism, Washington reporters and agencies, known for their loud interests in protecting civil liberties, are either silent or working to suppress news of these scandals, and they may well soon rue their own complacency. . . .
Nor have we learned the full nature of why and how Obama-era investigative agencies departed from normal protocol in exonerating Hillary Clinton from criminal liability during a number of 2015–16 controversies. Presumably there are records, official and otherwise, of these matters; they should come to light as soon as possible.
What seems clear is that the present hysteria about the Trump administration was already deeply seeded in the federal government throughout the 2016 campaign and the 2016–17 transition. A number of powerful Obama officials thought they had both moral right and the administrative means to nullify Trump. And they were not shy in breaking the law to exercise them.”
To paraphrase Belmont Club (Richard Fernandez), the Democrats have forgotten that torpedoes sometime circle back if they don’t hit anything and come back and hit the ship that fired them.
Too bad none of them know anything about the military and torpedoes.
Reference the last two sentences of your quote of VDH:
Government, in the end, is about investing an institution [“the State”] with the power to enforce the social contract by means of compulsion up to and including death [the Law]. The Deep State and both halves of the UniParty have abandoned the social contract and are seeking to use the powers of the State to destroy the social contract and create a tyranny with them in charge. There is a small window that possibly still exists for the social contract to be re-established by the law. If that window is closed, then all that remains is for a new social contract to be established with all parties involved using whatever means of compulsion they can bring to bear . . . including death. Because in the absence of a social contract, there are no rules. Thomas Hobbes was right.
If officials deliberately operate outside the legitimate means allowed them by society [if they operate outside the Constitution], their authority is not legitimate regardless of what fancy sign is over the door of their HQ and they may be resisted “by any means necessary”. That last is a phrase they themselves and the Left already use to describe subduing the bulk of the population.
Goose-Gander-Sauce. Some sauces are more bitter than others.
Subotai Bahadur
Subtotal Bahadur,
Someone, likely in the NYPD, has released all 639 names and related contact information found on ex-House Rep. Anthony Weiner’s lap top.
The public doxing of the movers and shakers on the Left has begun.
This is as much of a Rubicon being crossed as the spying on Pres. Trump in office.
American local police have just notified the FBI they are now being viewed, and are being treated, as “dirty cops.”
Decades of local police dirt on the FBI Counter-Intelligence now has Presidential protection from FBI/DoJ retaliation upon release.
“Subtotal”??!!?? ;-)
I’m assuming that “auto-correct” did that. I am amused.
Yeah, I ran across that about half an hour ago, but won’t have time to go through his address book till tomorrow night. They made the new rules. We will see if it pushes the window a little wider open.
>>I’m assuming that ”œauto-correct” did that.
Tablet autocorrect software leaves much to be desired.
As I drove home, I felt the full extent to which Trump has actually diminished my own desire to be kind. He is keeping me so outraged that I hold ill will toward others on a daily basis. Trump is not just ruining our nation, he is ruining me. By the end of the drive, I felt heartbroken.
Reading that sent a tingle up my leg………
Mike, your daughter serves an evil master and you God damn well know it. And she does it willingly, with both eyes open.
I missed this earlier.
I think you are letting politics get too far into your brain.
If you think all members of the FBI are evil, then you need more help than I could ever give you.
I readily grant that Hoover and Felt, among many others played the power game, just as others who climb the greased pole to power, are corrupted by power.
Do you think all police are also serving evil masters ?
I guess you could join BLM.
You are seeing the process of delegitimization of federal law enforcement resulting from political corruption. Look up the terms
on Wikipedia.
The mandate of heaven is falling.
Well, we just found our FISA spying scandal – RICO liability transmission vector from the FBI – DoJ spying on Trump to major media stars and organizations.
The Democratic National Committee.
Michael Isikoff was a contract worker for the DNC at the same time he worked for Yahoo News.
Michael Isikoff used Christopher Steele as a source for his reporting at Yahoo! News.
And Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo! News story was used in the FISA application to the FISC to spy on Carter Page.
The DNC was by contract at the time an appendage of the Hillary For President Campaign.
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC
Isikoff is the senior DC editor for Yahoo! News and that makes him Yahoo! News management.
>>I think you are letting politics get too far into your brain.
>>If you think all members of the FBI are evil, then you need more help than I could ever give you.
What do you get when you add clean water to polluted water? More polluted water.
That is where the American people are with the FBI.
You daughter needs a career change for reasons of personal health.
And yes, it will get that bad.
You daughter needs a career change for reasons of personal health.
And yes, it will get that bad.
I disagree but, in any event, she is planning retirement in a few years. She switched to health care fraud as a focus as she thinks she might get into that after she retires.
There are thousands of honest conscientious agents who want nothing to do with politics. I still think Comey was pressed by concerns about an agent revolt when he did his mealy mouthed presser in the summer of 2016 about Hillary.
What should happen is that DoJ and State should chop off the heads of the top 20% and go with the lower echelons.
It may already be happening.
A Justice Department official who helped oversee the controversial probes of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and Russian interference in the 2016 election stepped down this week.
David Laufman, an experienced federal prosecutor who in 2014 became chief of the National Security Division’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section, said farewell to colleagues Wednesday. He cited personal reasons.
His departure from the high-pressure job comes as President Trump and his Republican allies have stepped up attacks on the Justice Department, the FBI and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III for their handling of the Russia probe.
No doubt to spend more time with his family. Rats and sinking ships occur to me.
Prosecuting Hilliary prior to the election would have been a bad precedent and an action not to be taken lightly.
But the process crime of having her own server is fairly trivial.
What is vitally important is what was she covering up? Those thousands of emails hid many, many scandals and crimes in office.
I would not be surprised if those emails suddenly came to light prior to the mid-terms in time to turn most independents against any Democrat even remotely connected to Hilliary or too tied to the Democrat political positions.
As to grand and trial juries, most of these political charges would be filed in DC. We’ve already seen skirmishes over venue with the Democrats seeking the friendly and politically reliable black population.
Just bought the book on the Spanish Civil War for my Kindle.
Mike K,
This is something I dropped on another thread, but you need to think through visa vi your daughter
The Strzok SCIF incident — which also involved the FBI’s chief lawyer hired at the recommendation of AG Holder — has alienated and delegitimized the FBI from every non-FBI US Military and US national security agency in the Federal government.
I cannot begin to describe the *CONTEMPT* this incident with the #3 at the FBI Counter-Intelligence has generated with anyone who takes national security classification seriously.
SCIF’s are faraday cages. Completely cut off from outside EM radiation.
It is a go to jail security violation to take non-secure electronics inside a SCIF.
It is a go to jail security violation to leave a SCIF door open while accessing files inside one.
It is a go to jail security violation TEXT INSIDE A SCIF WITH THE DOOR EFFING OPEN!!!?!
Stzok, the FBI lawyer and the Security officer for the SCIF all need to go to jail for the rest of their lives and an example that no one is above the law.
And in the same prison right beside former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.
This is why your daughter need to exit the FBI ASAP.
Hell is coming for breakfast at the Hoover building and it will not limit itself to destroying the 7th floor.
In this context, Prohibition is the gift that keeps on giving. Before: federal law enforcement was thin on the ground. Mostly scattered U.S. Marshals and Secret Service. The combination of local apathy and corruption in enforcing Prohibition leads directly to the establishment of the federal law enforcement complex we have now. The “War on Drugs” has provided the most recent nourishment but it may be in the process of collapse.
More than 20 years ago I read that noncompliance with the IRS (simply not filing tax returns combined with claiming enough deductions that no tax was withheld) was so widespread that enforcement was mostly a matter of chance. The number given was around 5 million, there weren’t enough agents to file all the paper work. The obvious answer is less paper work and more summary confiscation. This is where federal statutes have been going for a while. If the government can freeze your assets, they can eliminate your defense. This is fine as long as it happens to “them”, less so to me or you.
I too have some hope that there are lines that most law enforcement personnel won’t cross but I also remember the history of the 20th Century. None of the various regimes seemed to suffer from difficulty in recruiting sufficiently conscienceless personnel.
We have deer rifles, they have tanks, helicopters, and organization.
Subotai Bahadur,
I’m really getting a hate on for WordPress’s moderation function.
[Jonathan adds: I deleted the comment moderation blacklist in case that helps. The fact that that WP doesn’t automatically whitelist commments from registered blog contributors is a running source of frustration.]
Wow – I have this same fantasy of Trump vs the Deep State.
But then I remember the movie Brazil.
I suspect that Trump will choose to win, & forgive & move on, rather than fight for much punishment for Dem criminals in Congress.
Much as I would like to see RICO laws invoked against the DOJ FIB State Dept folk, and the midnight (4am?) visits to their homes for the handcuffs.
Yet another thought is that Trump would be happy to make Nunes the “Star” as a truth-seeker. Too bad Sessions is wimping out on it. Trump could use some other Reps to step up for Swamp draining duties … and wide popular popularity.