New! – Your 2018 Poorer-But-Wiser Haiku Blowout

Minor hurricanes:
Always worse than expected
With much long-term harm.


She cares not a whit
About your gearhead hobbies,
But your words – watch out.


Earnings out today.
They killed volatility.
Those calls you bought? Ha.


Your lawn guy vanished.
Perhaps he was deported?
That’s the way to bet.


South Beach Halloween
Gives the girl-next-door license
To go out bare-assed.


Your new dishwasher
Takes three hours to do a load
But saves water, yay.


Bought something online?
Welcome to our email list!
(Try getting off it.)

sector rotation
“Sector rotation” –
Just another euphemism
For losing money.


App not responding –
That damned spinning-wheel icon.
Five-nines days, these ain’t.


3 thoughts on “New! – Your 2018 Poorer-But-Wiser Haiku Blowout”

  1. The scariest words
    Used to be ‘Government help’
    Now they’re ‘Budget Deal’

    Guns and butter deals
    Bad for T-bills but at least
    I had no bitcoins

    We did have tax cuts
    But SALT elimination
    Made it all a wash

    Market ups and downs
    Scrambling around to make sure
    My ass is covered

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