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Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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Now I’m feeling pretty woke.
The future has a new face, indeed.
Thinking about all this – what if it all was insisted on – that movies, TV, advertising had to keep to strict racial limits in the on-camera faces, according to the breakdown reported in the census of America’s actual reported population? So – proportion of citizens of color in advertising, movies, etc – 13% or so. In movies – proportion of gays/LGTB-Whatever – about 2%, give or take.
Wouldn’t that be … interesting, in the absolute pursuit of “diversity”? For certain values of interesting, of course.
Yeah, Hollywood and the media would s**t a brick the size of the Trump Tower, if that were insisted upon in the name of all hallowed “diversity.”
Reminds me of images of Muslims carefully throwing paint on their mosques. Almost the same effect, but way bigger. Nice one.
There is no upper limit on wokeness virtue, only a minimum amount of 50% affirmative quota’s/set asides for middle and upper income/powewr positions.