ChicagoBoyz Waiting Room Series: 32

4 thoughts on “ChicagoBoyz Waiting Room Series: 32”

  1. OK so, um, I am a little offended right now? And maybe feeling a little threatened? That woman on the screen is, like, not masked? And that is, you know, the wrong, I guess, message? So, ChicagoBoyz I know believe in freedom and all that patriarchal stuff, but to send a signal that for many, many people who are hurting right now, to send a signal, even if you don’t really actually mean to do this, but a signal that putting everyone at risk of death, loved one’s, grandparents, people of color, to risk literally killing these people by not masking, that signal, which is not OK, to send that signal, is, to put it mildly, alarming, and it is upsetting and angering on so many levels, even on very profound levels. And I don’t want to hurt anyones feelings but I could not, you know, not share something that I feel deeply is very important. So, please. Just. Stop. I can’t even …

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