
So this is a story which first percolated up to my attention at the Powerline blog last week – a perfectly vicious attack on a teenager by a bigger and apparently stronger teenager, which has put the first teenager in hospital with likely permanent brain damage – if she even recovers consciousness at all. There’s something about having your skull repeatedly slammed on a concrete sidewalk which will do that. The attacker has been detained, which is a nice gesture on the part of local law enforcement, and a Go-Fund-Me appeal has already raised a considerable sum for the medical care of Kaylee Gains. The name of her attacker, hereinafter referred to as Little Miss Thugette, however, seems to be under a veil of secrecy in those few stories which have appeared in the news media. The comments appended on sites where the story does appear tend towards the cynical: if the colors of the two girls were reversed, most commenters acknowledge that there would be screaming headlines for weeks in all the print media, TV pundits rushing to make their two cents clear by taking a knee (literally or metaphorically), the inner cities in blue states would already be in flames and Al Sharpton would be ubiquitous in demanding justice. (Of the mob and rioting sort, naturally.)

But Kaylee Gains is white, and Little Miss Thugette is black. We have all become accustomed to how the news-making machinery addresses matters racial in this age of DIE. News media-wise this beatdown is a non-story in the mainstream media; of apparent interest only to Miss Gains’ family and friends. This is not this first instance of a Little Miss Thugette, or her male kinfolk, Mr. Inner-City Gangbanger going all fight-club and clubbing the stuffing out of some hapless teenager of white, Jewish or Asian background and posting video of the beatdown to their social media account. Such black-on-white beatdowns make a brief splash on the local news … and then the media and our intellectual class goes right on bleating about white privilege, microaggressions and the desirability of reparations for people of color … because living in the United States in this century is just so soul-searingly damaging for such persons of color, having to associate with whites…

Which brings to my mind an interesting speculation – what if parents of white, Asian or Jewish students at public schools – especially the schools in sink neighborhoods are reconsidering the whole school desegregation thing and reassessing the so-called benefits thereof? The DIEists insist that it is so soul-searingly damaging for black kids to be around white privilege and white culture every single day, and the only way to minimize the harm done is to maintain black-only spaces. And the parents of white, Asian and Jewish students might very well believe that their kids might be safer in such a segregated school – although they probably don’t come out and say so, save among close friends and trusted associates.
Discuss as you wish.

30 thoughts on “Separate”

  1. In Chicago, the teachers have no expectations of their students. The parents, except in rare instances, have no expectations of their children. These children seem to be programed to destroy themselves, to become thugs.
    Lord have mercy

  2. My fiancee was born in Kenya. Almost my whole church is black. I am about to move into a household that is black except for me. But except for maybe my granddaughter, they are are African, not culturally African-American. I hear a lot of Swahili in my house and church. And other African languages. None of my family subscribes to any of this bullshit. So leave us out of the whole thing. Lots of us look like this little bitch, but we are not her.

  3. Democrats know. That’s why they oppose charter schools and school vouchers.

    Firstly, they want power over your kids because that gives them power over the parents.

    Secondly, they know the all black schools won’t perform as well, those schools will be poorer, and the black community will demand democrats save them from themselves. With white tax dollars

    They know it will create a permanent underclass better than the Great Society did. Personally, I don’t think everyone is entitled to a high school education. I think they are entitled to the opportunity for one.

    So either segregate the schools or start expelling unruly kids… Even if they are black. Those kids are gonna end up thugs anyway. Why let them drag down the entire black community?

  4. “Lots of us look like this little bitch, but we are not her.”

    That’s what they were saying in France a couple generations ago when they imported tons of Africans and Arabs as “temporary” workers. Now, they have no-go zones, rape gangs, and tribal warfare shutting down major Parisian train stations multiple times a month.

    Similar effects in London. In neither case was American slave culture part of the problem; the populations are all recent imports.

    Your excuses mean nothing if your behavior patterns don’t hold for your children and grandchildren. The experimental evidence so far is that they won’t.

  5. Great article. And I agree wholeheartedly with the solutions you put forth. Here is my only critique. The acronym DIE. The correct acronym is DEI. Would you say FIB, for Federal Investigation Bureau??? No Its FBI. Don’t believe me,…. do a search on Duck Duck Go (because I refuse to use Google) for DIE. You’ll never see a thing about Diversity Equity & Inclusion. I plugged in DEI, and you’ll find all of the information about the subject you’ll ever want to see. It’s akin to using Axe for the word Ask. It just makes you look either dumb or uninformed. PLEASE, get it right.

  6. Wilbur – the use of DIE instead of DEI is not a mistake; it’s intentional. Right thinking people want DEI to DIE and are intentionally using that term. Bloggers and commenters across the web have been KNOWINGLY using DIE for quite some time. Unlike you, most people understand this. I appreciate good writing and grammar too but you’re just being pedantic.

  7. I used to work with a guy who had a kid in a Detroit suburb public school. I would occasionally hear stories about what he was doing in school. Early on, they were stories about his struggle with school work. Then Michigan passed a voucher program and allowed charter schools as well. Many students transferred from failed majority black districts into the various white suburban schools. My coworker’s stories about his kid changed to stories about his kid’s problems dealing with harassment from the new transfer students.

    I did not then and do not now regard this as an improvement for my coworker’s kid or most other students. Hence, my enthusiasm for charter schools and vouchers is quite limited. In fact I regard it as yet another example of the Geee Ohhh Peeeeee and its backstabbing establishment worrying more about Democrat voters than Democrats do while being quite willing and eager to throw its own voters under the bus of political correctness.

    The problem was that Democrats living in Democrat-run school districts were failing. The GOP solution was for them to go to still-functioning public schools in much more Republican districts and ruin those schools too. The actual solution is to get rid of the incompetent teachers and vile administrations and replace them with people who are capable and interested in educating students. Violent, disruptive, or incompetent students should be expelled and prevented from wrecking the education of others by any means necessary.

    Leaving many or most public schools controlled communist vermin and DEI parasites while allowing some fraction of good students to escape at significant cost to their parents and allowing some fraction of bad students to wreck other schools is not a conservative victory.

    Ending the leftist control of public education would be a victory.

  8. Lucy, First of all I dint axe you. 2nd I understand that SOME bloggers have been doing this however the people we are trying to reach, AND more importantly the ones that agree with Sgt Mom’s article but may be on the fence on this subject but will see DIE as “conservative ignorance”. Again stop using DIE and get it right. It’s DEI and only DEI.

  9. … and then the media and our intellectual class goes right on bleating about white privilege, microaggressions and the desirability of reparations for people of color … because living in the United States in this century is just so soul-searingly damaging for such persons of color, having to associate with whites…

    Odd that these sacred people of color who are so put-upon to exist in a country full of mayo-monkeys, saltines, and crackers- those are some of the slurs I’ve heard that these folks regularly use to describe the majority of Americans- simply don’t emigrate to the many black majority countries and thus escape the presence of the hated white devils forever, isn’t it?

    A long time ago I picked up a book at B Dalton- anyone remember them?- back when malls were popular and full. It was written by a black guy who did actually leave the US.

    Unfortunately he for him, he went to the Soviet Union. I didn’t buy that book- I had limited money and even more limited willingness to pay to read something that would surely be unpleasant. But I do recall he was stuck there a long time and waited until he was sure he had his US citizenship back before he released the book.

    This was circa 1990. I have to wonder what that guy would think about the present insanity.

  10. The individual who calls himself (herself?) “Wilbur” whined: “Again stop using DIE and get it right. It’s DEI and only DEI.”

    Wilbur — you need help! Your mind has been taken over by the Political Class, operating through their media. You have obviously completely failed to understand that the Political Class’s “DEI” is an acronym for the true DIE — which is what that class wants for all people who fail to fall in line with today’s version of their political correctness.

    Wake up, Wilbur! The path you are on leads to your own abject servitude. But you have a mind, you have a choice! It is DIE! Say it with pride, as an individual with a brain and free will. DIE! DIE!

  11. Most of our problem started under Obama. His DOJ implemented a policy that said, by definition, only whites can be racist. Thus started open season on whites. We now have a generation of POCs who believe that, not only are whites racist, but they can do anything they want against whites without fear of real consequences. And our legal system now seems tuned to allow that.

    There is no putting these worms back in the can. The dream of a colorblind society is dead. I now believe the only recourse is segregation, as ugly as that sounds. Also, repatriation before reparations.

    I now fully appreciate Clint Eastwood’s grouchy character in Gran Torino.

  12. Wilbur, stop trying to prove you are the Smart Boy. Nobody cares.

    Leftists don’t really believe the crap they lecture the rest of us about; their rhetoric is merely a vehicle to acquire power. They will denounce conservatives as ignorant regardless of what anyone says about anything, just as they will attack milquetoast conservative politicians as Literally Hitler.

    The only people who might be moved by postings here are the ones with faces personally encountering the fist of Wokeness for the first time. The best others can do for them is confirm they are not alone, that there are others too who see how Diversity Is Not Our Strength. And if that means getting a bit sharp-tongued, so be it. Pulling punches, tone-policing, Not All _____ Are Like That, and so on are a big reason why conservatives lose all the damn time.

  13. There is no putting these worms back in the can. The dream of a colorblind society is dead. I now believe the only recourse is segregation, as ugly as that sounds. Also, repatriation before reparations.

    While normal people weren’t paying attention, the Left captured the institutions, indoctrinated generations of youth, and is trying to implement race/class based mob rule. Predictably, things are falling apart. And your remedy is to substitute your preferred mob for the Left’s?

    Maybe it would be better to attempt to recreate the aspirationally colorblind, merit based system that was working pretty well before the Left took over.

  14. While normal people weren’t paying attention, the Left captured the institutions, indoctrinated generations of youth, and is trying to implement race/class based mob rule.

    Normal people were very much paying attention. They gave control of the US government multiple times to the putative opposition party, expecting something to be done. Instead, that party- the Gee Ohh Peeeeee- spent its time attempting to shoehorn endless amnesty, open borders, and idiotic trade deals into law, while attacking those normal people with just about every slur in the book.

    And your remedy is to substitute your preferred mob for the Left’s?

    To paraphrase Gen. Sherman, mob rule is the remedy our enemies have chosen. I say give it to them. Playing nice and bleating about colorblindness damned well hasn’t worked.

    Maybe it would be better to attempt to recreate the aspirationally colorblind, merit based system that was working pretty well before the Left took over.

    If the Titanic hadn’t hit an iceberg, it wouldn’t have sank. If we could have recreated the colorblind merit based system, we wouldn’t be where we are.

    To be blunt, the left has no interest in a colorblind merit based society, because they would be irrelevant and mostly impoverished. The GOP has no interest in a color blind merit based society, because they would be expected to govern the country and be responsible for the outcome of their governance.

    Plus, It pays a lot better to take a dive and blame the continual roiling disaster of the present United States upon circumstances beyond their control, like how the left won’t be nice and Donald Trump.

    I’ve had enough of this and I suspect most other Americans have as well.

  15. Re: “I now believe the only recourse is segregation, as ugly as that sounds.” Well I may like some of my family members more than others, but it doesn’t mean I’m not going to lock my in-laws out of the house come Thanksgiving and other family holidays

    Re what Dan said. I have had the good fortune to know quite a few folks from Africa and their biggest fear is that their kids will assimilate into the larger black community, in fact there seems to be a great deal of animosity between African immigrants and American-born blacks. think a better predictor of the racial divide in standards of living, much more than Charles Murray’s IQ bell curve, is the decline in social practices especially the traditional family structure among blacks, something noticed more than 50 years by Dennis Patrick Moynihan

    As a general observation, blacks have been exploited by a variety of groups. There are the racial grifters who claim to speak for the larger black community, Al Sharpton and Ibram Kendi. There are the various bureaucrats, educrats, and diversicrats whose livelihoods depend on programs serving black people without ever solving their problems. More perniciously are the post-modernists and the Woke who use black people to portray the evils of America and deligitimize a society that they (the Left) hates and wishes to destroy. The problems in the black community are there to be used, not solved.

  16. Wilbur,

    I appreciate your point, and myself tend to favour a variant of it, in which we refrain from somewhat juvenile changes to terms for the purpose of making a rhetorical point. But I would note that it is, at least, explicitly intended as a rhetorical point, it is not an error as such.

    Some considerations, at least for me, and to me they do go both ways so they do not imply a conclusion when taken in aggregate:

    We live in a world in which the left does this daily with impunity, and at some point, yes, one has to do the same kind of thing as the other side. Ideally, better. There is no call to unilateral political, moral, ideological or rhetorical disarmament and no obligation to do that. And no likely benefit.

    They respect nothing that is ours, and little or nothing that was once common. Their tropes do not deserve pre-committed respect either. I will not chant Diversity Equity Inclusion in prescribed order as though it were the Lord’s Prayer or for that matter the Muslim call to prayer, whose order I would expect to be offered as prescribed. I will also not recite it in prescribed order as though it were the Periodic Table, or the EM spectrum, or anything else whose content and sequential order can have independent, politically neutral validity.

    The counterargument is not that it is bad or that we owe them the courtesy of respecting their concepts and terms, because it isn’t and we don’t. We stopped owing anything long ago.

    A better counterargument is that it’s a pity the right always comes off as a tad lamoid in doing it. I hope we get better. We might not. We might be incapable of doing it well. THAT would be a reason to stop. Courtesy or respect allegedly owed to enemies who offer neither in return or for concepts that are not intellectually or morally valid is not such a reason.

    You DID initially contrast it with FBI, and asked if we would call it FIB? Well, for some rhetorical purposes, yes. Nice way to call attention to a point about the FBI. I would not recommend it as a constant drumbeat, or as a way to name the bureau in casual use in a passage, or serious comment, simply because it’s a series of words that actually have an institutional and legal name. It’s not the Federal Investigation Bureau except perhaps in some alt hist fan work. DEI, at least is not the proper name of an organization defined by legislation, it’s an acronym for a series of interrelated concepts and slogans that don’t grammatically have to be stated in any particular order, and the order DEI must have been selected explicitly so as NOT to end up being called DIE. That prospect must have been pre-thought or, if not, it was canned in the marketing meetings. Seems only fair to turn that back on them.

    So all in all, I’m torn, but it’s not the same kind of error as FIB would be and, at least, we need to consider when and how we can turn the left’s insult paradigms back on their concepts and language.

  17. Normal people were very much paying attention.

    Were they? I’d say most weren’t, or didn’t know what they were seeing. They assumed that the representatives of both political parties, while often corrupt and misguided, were mostly acting in good faith to promote their respective visions of the public good, and that these visions centered around a moderate Anglospheric mean. Thus the Normals expected to be able to live their own lives without being forced to follow politics out of self-preservation, unlike people in other countries. Then came the Internet, the fading of the older generations, the accession to leadership of red-diaper subversives, a cascade of revelations about govt corruption, economic malfeasance, trans indoctrination in the schools, censorship, thrown elections, etc.

    Trump didn’t come out of nowhere. He’s been around forever but had no political traction until events made clear that the mainstream Republicans were feckless and corrupt and the conventional alternatives to the mainstream were frauds or ineffective. It seems to me that Trump became politically viable precisely because normal people started paying attention.

  18. Were they? I’d say most weren’t, or didn’t know what they were seeing.

    There’s a difference between not paying attention and not knowing what they were seeing. Many words noting the endless lies of the leftist media deleted.

    They assumed that the representatives of both political parties, while often corrupt and misguided, were mostly acting in good faith…

    I’m not so sure about this. I’ve never thought Democrats were willing to give any benefit of any doubt to any Republican. And I think rank-and-file Republicans had good reason not to trust any Democrat. But it would be fair to say that most Republicans didn’t expect direct malice aimed at them from the government.

    …and that these visions centered around a moderate Anglospheric mean.

    I’m not so sure about this, either. I spent many hours arguing with leftists online before they decided shut up was the best explanation, going back to the 1990s. The leftists today seem every bit as Anglospheric as they did back then- that is, not at all.

    It seems to me that Trump became politically viable precisely because normal people started paying attention.

    My take is that Trump was viable long before Trump started paying attention. In light of later events, I find it an interesting counterfactual to ponder what would have happened if Trump had entered the 2008 presidential race. I also recall speculation about Trump running in 2012. My hindsight suggests he would have won, not least because I noticed that he was able to get Barry Obama to release a birth certificate, unlike the entire GOP.

    But he didn’t. And here were are.

  19. certainly since the 80s he was focused on the question of deindustrialization, trade policy, it was back around that time, that Michael Moore, did his first rant against Roger Smith, but the offshoring just continued, from Mexico under Nafta James Fallows who first pushed the infallibilty of the MITI model (yet missed the whole property bubble) then assured us about some other thing, this seems to have a strategy pursued under Deng and Jiang,

    yes I thought the birth certificate was a silly strategy, born out of the fact that Hillary couldn’t contest Obama on ideological grounds, and I didn’t think much of Trump following that Rabbit hole, but what did Romney offer, I forget, (he does too) thats’ probably why I voted for Gingrich in the primary, as flawed as he was, he had the germ of this outsider/insider candidacy,

  20. There’s some not horrible news from Texas:

    This isn’t the victory it’s made out to be because the teacher’s unions and the educratic establishment have been in charge so long that they have thoroughly captured both the schools, public and private and the pipeline for teachers. The only thing the otherwise meaningless teacher certifications mean is that the holder has been properly indoctrinated. They say nothing about subject mastery, teaching ability or even basic literacy. Watch how hard the unions fight every time any sort of real accountability or teacher testing is proposed.

    The choice in school choice is, at best, between terrible and maybe not so terrible. The home schooled are soon to become the new Ivy League graduate. Proof that they actually know something useful.

  21. yes I thought the birth certificate was a silly strategy, born out of the fact that Hillary couldn’t contest Obama on ideological grounds, and I didn’t think much of Trump following that Rabbit hole…

    I don’t recall that Hillary started the birth certificate story but I don’t recall who did, either. I do recall that her campaign made Obama’s lengthy attendance at the ferociously anti-American church led Reverend Wright big news. I’ve never bothered to investigate but supposedly Barry never won another primary after that came out. My favorite bits of this story was listening to Sean Hannity whine that he talked about Rev. Wright on his radio show before the mainstream media lept to help Hillary- thus demonstrating his complete irrelevance to the public discourse- and how Obama claimed he knew nothing about what Wright said- and then Glenn Beck played Barry reading passages from Wright’s the US of KKKA sermon. LOL!

    But I digress.

    The Gee Oh Peeeee was pants-peeing terrified of asking Barry about his birth certificate even after he kept bringing it up and even after it became plain that the GOP base wanted answers. I’m pretty sure this was meant as a trap and the gopes knew it. The problem was that- again- the GOP base wanted answers and the GOP establishment was- as usual- telling them to sit down and shut up. Also as usual, this wasn’t going well for the GOP establishment.

    At some point Trump got involved. I don’t recall the details, even assuming I ever knew them, but the end result was that Barry coughed up a birth certificate. I do recall reading that the reason he did so was because polling indicated that Trump was making Democrats wonder why exactly this routine document was being kept secret.

    I thought, hmmm. Trump made Barry dance. He just had more political impact on his actions than the entire GOP. Wow.

    In retrospect this was when I first started paying attention to Trump as a possible politician instead of a tabloid personality with TV shows I never watched and a real estate business I had no reason to care about.

    Considering what happened in 2016, I bet I wasn’t the only person with that reaction.

  22. None of my family subscribes to any of this bullshit. So leave us out of the whole thing. Lots of us look like this little bitch, but we are not her.

    Sure. You just have leave me and mine out of the endless shrieking about slavery. None of my family have warm feelings about slavery- for example, one ancestor of my wife fought in the Civil War and none of my ancestors were anywhere near the US before slavery was bloodily abolished.

    Yet people like us are endlessly attacked by certain folks because slavery existed, always with endless demands for- well, everything.


  23. I noted this AM that CBS Sunday Morning highlighted some black history amongst other things, all of which were to point out things about slavery, the taking of last names when it became legal to vote, etc. The simple facts viewed from afar is that SOME history cannot be forgotten and must be raised over and over again to explain the failing plight of a lot of black citizens while the history of others can and should be erased and removed from our memory even 170 years on.
    Substituting black characters in a play on Broadway, contrary to the indications of the book the play was based upon, was done to show the plight again of black people having to face more than others, apparently. The fact of 170 years of domination of blacks by the D party remains hidden though in plain sight if you look, or are allowed to look. They were for (and fought to maintain) slavery, they were against black vote, they got blacks out of politics and when blacks finally voted, they got them to vote for the people that are keeping them poor.
    I paraphrase, but the essentials are there. There seems to be one political party that has used one group as their tool to obtain and maintain power. There is one party that has used government largess with other peoples’ money as lure and trap for one group, and kept them in poorly run schools and separate from any possibility of economic success. Except for the exceptional few who somehow escaped the ‘crab bucket’ that the party put one racial group into.(crab bucket is how the crabs about to make it up and out, over the edge of the bucket, are pulled back into the bucket and prevented from escape by the other crabs still down at the bottom of the bucket)
    Not quite as bad as Haiti, but they are working on it. Chicago must be the preview city for anarchy, followed by LA and NYC amongst the leaders, where the weekly murder count discourages any and all from even thinking about having a future. The party uses people for its own purposes. The opponent party should be constantly informing them of how they are being bamboozled and cheated by the party whose Congressional Leader so falsely claimed to be “helping, we feed them”. Feed them only so much, at such cost, without allowing them to learn to feed them self. Pitiful

  24. there does seem to be a trenchant irony, so a junkie and a criminal was apprehended for too long an interval, and they made it a cause celebre, see Fall of Minneapolis for details,

  25. Maybe Trump could have won in 2012 or even 2008, but that’s hindsight. The 2008-12 Republican candidates and Trump were all flawed. 2024 seems to value Trump’s mix of qualities more than 2012 did. That doesn’t mean the current favorable-for-Trump political environment was foreordained. There was nothing inevitable about the Patriot Act, about a crypto-communist getting elected president, about a major financial crash shortly before a presidential election, about COVID, etc.

    Conservatives and libertarians who disagree with Trump about, for example, protectionism, support Trump because he’s the best alternative. He fights, he may be able to win, he will sign good legislation, he may even take action against the people who abused power to try to keep him out of office. The Democrats have become so corrupt, abusive and hostile to this country’s interests that anyone who supports freedom and US sovereignty must prioritize defeating the Left over most other political considerations.

  26. The lives of black Americans as a group were improving by most measures until the 1960s, when the Great Society programs disincentivized family formation and family cohesion. The terrible govt-run urban schools that teach black children have only compounded the damage.

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