The Coming Deluge?

“The official version of events in the UK media is that the murders are an isolated incident and the public must stop talking about it, let the police handle it, but the protests are a nationally coordinated far right extremist conspiracy, which must be met with aggressive force and further destruction of what few civil liberties remain.”

A comment from a guest post at Postcards from Barsoom, which can be read here: Who Speaks for the Children?

Violent protests, and even riots are happening in Manchester and other English cities, following a bloody knife attack on a children’s dance workshop by the teenaged son of Rwandan refugees. Three little girls were murdered and several more girls and their teachers badly injured – and such protests might indicate to distant observers such as myself that the native British are finally fed to the teeth with a flood-tide of migrants, and violent criminal depredations by recent immigrants that are basically excused when they aren’t outright ignored by politicians, the press, academics and activists. Popular historians often make note of social snobbery in the Victorian era – where the upper classes looked down on anyone “in trade” and sneered at the working class … but I don’t see that the Victorians thoroughly despised their fellow countrymen to the degree that the modern British ruling class despises everything about the ordinary native British working folks.

42 thoughts on “The Coming Deluge?”

  1. The Labour government will bring more outrage. Th in England a few years ago.e “Native English” are doing much what Americans are doing. They are moving to more normal places, if they can afford it. We spent some time with friends a few years ago. They live in Chichester, a small city on the south east coast. It’s a little like the town in the “Doc Martin” series but bigger. My friend told me that “If you see a brown face it will be an NHS doctor.” I doubt it will get as stark as our situation but it might.

  2. The Labour government will bring more outrage. Th in England a few years ago.e “Native English” are doing much what Americans are doing. They are moving to more normal places, if they can afford it. We spent some time with friends a few years ago. They live in Chichester, a small city on the south east coast.
    It’s a little like the town in the “Doc Martin” series but bigger. My friend told me that “If you see a brown face it will be an NHS doctor.” I doubt it will get as stark as our situation but it might.

  3. “I don’t see that the Victorians thoroughly despised their fellow countrymen to the degree that the modern British ruling class despises everything about the ordinary native British working folks” There’s an unpleasant amount of this attitude in the US, too…see my post Living in the Hate of the Common People
    Hate of the Common People, continued

  4. The snobbery of Victorian England was mitigated by both a lingering sense of patrician duty from an earlier time and an attachment to King and country. The biggest problem for Britain isn’t that Labour despises the nation it was elected to govern, but that the Tories think the same way.

    For us, use the preamble to the Declaration of Independence as starting point. We assume that Progressives want to change the country because they think we are not living to the values expressed therein. However that’s a liberal view. In reality the Progressives disagree with the Declaration and wish to abandon its values; they see it and the lower classes as being in the way.

    I wonder how our ?Semiquincentennial in 2026 is going to go

  5. “I wonder how our ?Semiquincentennial in 2026 is going to go”

    Y’all are an optimist, assuming that things will hold together till then.

    While there is a strain of people who believe in the old Social Contract [Hobbes, not Rousseau] that underlaid the foundation of our country; right now there is no widely valid Social Contract, and we are on the verge of a return to what is called “a State of Nature”. That is not a good place to be.

    Subotai Bahadur

  6. Hey! Let’s hear it for that Labour government. They have managed to do the impossible. Apparently in Northern Ireland, Catholics & Protestants are marching together, side by side, protesting the flood of illegal immigrants which is destroying their society. The Labour government has managed to overcome centuries of antagonism between those communities and unite them. This is Nobel Peace Prize territory!

  7. As far as the protests in Britain, this hits my thoughts including the mention of Luttwak:
    These men owe it to their families not to engage in activism that *cannot work*

    Decentralized right-wing riots *do not work*

    The bulk of the British public will support Starmer, the rioters will have zero international support, they have no leadership, no clear demands, no purchase among elites, nothing other than righteous anger which is not enough

    It’s like they read Luttwak’s Coup D’Etat: A Practical Handbook and did the opposite

    The new Labour government has already promised to come down hard on the protestors and then go to town on civil liberties; I think everyone has expected this. The protesters are in the process of being isolated from any sympathy and will be crushed.

    You want the take-away lesson from this? It’s not that tyranny exists in the UK or that uniparty in the US wants to finish the job it started with Jan. 6. That’s a given. The lesson is just what Chamberlain said, all of that is given, you got to be smarter. Tyranny, a crushing response from the security state, the leftist auxiliaries in the media…. that’s all part of the terrain that any effective strategy has to take into account.

    The cause that these people are protesting is righteous, what’s about to hit them is wrong. Time for amateurism, well-intention-ed but ineffectual responses is over. That doesn’t mean some Strauss-Howe Theory of historical cycles or deciding to put those 24 million AR-15s to use in some form of spasmodic violence or just plain despair that nothing can be done. People have been here before and time for everybody to up their game in terms of strategy as. If you want to read up and avoid delving into Marxist revolutionary theory, Edward Luttwak’s “Coup D’Etat” and John Boyd’s “Pattern of Conflict” provide excellent frameworks

  8. Mike: “Time for amateurism, well-intention-ed but ineffectual responses is over.”

    Fair enough. We understand that “voting” does not change the direction of the Political Class. That is obvious from their non-reaction to obvious massive voter fraud in the US, or from the weird English electoral system which gave a party a huge majority when it won the votes of only 1 out of every 5 citizens, or from the differently weird French electoral system which shut out the party with the largest share of the votes.

    Also clear that direct action has its limits (unless it has the support of the Political Class, like AntiFa or BLM). The French “Yellow Jackets” did not accomplish anything, nor did Dutch farmers dumping excrement at the doors of government.

    So let’s be specific about it — what should citizens do when they realize that the well-ensconced Political Class intends them harm? Is the only practical move to encourage the Coming Collapse and hope that something better emerges decades from now from the ruins of today’s societies?

  9. their demands are reasonable they want the end to refugee hostels, and repatriation of as many of these refugees,

  10. More detail in this post about the riots and general outrage –
    “…this is not simply about “far-right thuggery”; this is about the unravelling and disastrous effects of an elite project that has hollowed out, divided, and weakened Britain over many years.
    A project that has subjected the British people and their children to increasing crime, chaos, communalism, the balkanisation of their communities, and increasingly chilling atrocities while simultaneously expecting the British people not to react at all.
    So, while the elite class might tell people in Orwellian fashion to ignore the evidence of their eyes and ears, what the events of the last few days reveal is that a rapidly growing number of people in this country are now refusing to play along.”

  11. To add to Chamberlain’s tweet, there’s this over at Pipeline How the Media Missed What I Saw on January 6′ The first questions that popped in my mind was why are you allowing the media to set the narrative for your event. As far as the Northern Ireland unity protests, there’s this My Day with the Belfast Rioters

    Is any of this true? Are these protests really just bunch of BNP thugs and yobs as the media is reporting? My instincts say no, but I don’t really know and neither does anybody who isn’t there but that’s what the media is going to run with because 1) there are lying bootlickers to power 2) they can get away with it. Chamberlain’s point (and Luttwak’s as well) is that the protests have lost control of the narrative because just as with Jan. 6 they allowed the media to report it.

    As far as this having staying power? That’s not the way to bet. Not in the short or medium-term unless folks get real smart real fast

    The 2022 Ottawa Trucker Convoy was an amazing event, the few reporters who actually wandered around it expected to find an angry, hate-filled bunch of Canadian MAGA and instead found a happy, festive atmosphere of bouncy castles and even Alberta-Quebec-Sikh Kumbaya. The atmosphere would be familiar to anyone who had attended a Tea Party event back in the day. Those few intrepid reporters were shocked because the only things being shown on the media was a near insurrection infested by neo-Nazis who desecrated Canada’s most sacred monuments. Why? Because the Convoy allowed the media to report Justin Trudeau’s narrative unchallenged

    The problem with what’s going on in Britain is that the protesters have lost control to both the Regime and the extremist elements because they were disorganized and didn’t have a clue, they rolled out in the street with good intentions and then the pros took them to the cleaners. At the very least, based on experiences with Jan. 6 and the Trucker Convoy, they should have run with their own media unit. People out on the street with Go-Pros interviewing people, an impromptu news desk proving up-dates, videos uploaded. That and a security element

    How the media is reporting this and how the British Regime is going to crush it should surprise no one. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice… Don’t play the victim, play to win.

  12. Probably likely, as Mike says, that the British Regime IS going to crust the protests, and the protesters … but the situation is (or at least my reading of it) that the anger won’t go away. The powers that be may be able to tie down the relief valve this time … but what about the next time, when ordinary Brits get so angry that that they can’t be silenced or cowed? What then, oh wolves?

  13. Lately I’ve been watching<Endeavour, the prequel to Inspector Morse, which features Morse as as a newly enrolled Detective Constable (promoted to Sergeant late in the series). Inspector Morse was aired 1987-2000; <Endeavour takes place 22 years earlier (1965-1972).

    Several of the last few <Endeavour episodes have been very intrusively “anti-anti-immigration”. In the last episode, a serial murderer justifies his crimes by labeling the victims as traitors, while ranting about non-white immigration. Other episodes featured a “Make Britain Great” campaign led by an elderly one-time fascist and Nazi sympathizer, murder of a south Asian boy by a youth influenced by an anti-immigration rabblerouser, and a hairdresser who bars non-whites from her salon.

    OTOH, one major villain was a Jamaican crime boss.

  14. Lately I’ve been watching<Endeavour, the prequel to Inspector Morse, which features Morse as as a newly enrolled Detective Constable (promoted to Sergeant late in the series). Inspector Morse was aired 1987-2000; Endeavour takes place 22 years earlier (1965-1972).

    Several of the last few <Endeavour episodes have been very intrusively “anti-anti-immigration”. In the last episode, a serial murderer justifies his crimes by labeling the victims as traitors, while ranting about non-white immigration. Other episodes featured a “Make Britain Great” campaign led by an elderly one-time fascist and Nazi sympathizer, murder of a south Asian boy by a youth influenced by an anti-immigration rabblerouser, and a hairdresser who bars non-whites from her salon.

    OTOH, one major villain was a Jamaican crime boss.

  15. (sorry about the XXtripleXX quadruple post; preview is needed)

    Lately I’ve been watchingEndeavour, the prequel to Inspector Morse, which features Morse as as a newly enrolled Detective Constable (promoted to Sergeant late in the series). Inspector Morse was aired 1987-2000; Endeavour takes place 22 years earlier (1965-1972).

    Several of the last few Endeavour episodes have been very intrusively “anti-anti-immigration”. In the last episode, a serial murderer justifies his crimes by labeling the victims as traitors, while ranting about non-white immigration. Other episodes featured a “Make Britain Great” campaign led by an elderly one-time fascist and Nazi sympathizer, murder of a south Asian boy by a youth influenced by an anti-immigration rabblerouser, and a hairdresser who bars non-whites from her salon.

    OTOH, one major villain was a Jamaican crime boss.

  16. Are these protests really just bunch of BNP thugs and yobs as the media is reporting?

    Are you kidding? Why would you believe anything the media says, on any topic at all, ever?

    Because the Convoy allowed the media to report Justin Trudeau’s narrative unchallenged.

    What magical power do you attribute to the trucker Convoy to enable it to prevent the regime media from lying about it?

    At the very least, based on experiences with Jan. 6 and the Trucker Convoy, they should have run with their own media unit.

    Which would stop the regime media from lying about events how?

    The problem isn’t that the various dissenters in the West don’t have a savvy enough media operation, it’s that the present Western regime(s) will lie utterly and shamelessly about everything under the sun- and then prosecute anyone who notices.

  17. The pro-Hamas protests have their own media and security, to broadcast their own narrative and prevent the other side’s media from broadcasting information that might weaken the protest narrative. Antifa is similar. All of the leftist and anti-American groups are similar. The actual Palestinians (Hamas et al) have long done the same thing. How could pro-freedom protesters manage information to help their own side?

  18. “Several of the last few Endeavour episodes have been very intrusively “anti-anti-immigration”. In the last episode, a serial murderer justifies his crimes by labeling the victims as traitors, while ranting about non-white immigration. Other episodes featured a “Make Britain Great” campaign led by an elderly one-time fascist and Nazi sympathizer, murder of a south Asian boy by a youth influenced by an anti-immigration rabblerouser, and a hairdresser who bars non-whites from her salon.”

    So the narrative propaganda has already been well-established by the obedient media. So noted.
    Wonder if the Brit entertainment media would ever feature a storyline in a crime series about Moslem immigrants routinely engaging in the deliberate sexual exploitation of native white British girls?
    Yeah, I’m a kidder that way.
    Of course not.

  19. On both sides of the Atlantic, the Social Contract is all but gone. As an example on both sides the legitimacy of those in power is definitely not something to take as a given. So what do you do then?

    As the fragments of the Contract are being dispersed, we move back to the State of Nature. It is not a good place to be, takes a long time to get through, and there is no certainty as to where you end up. But those are the consequences of the destruction of our previous system, and as unpopular as they are consequences are real and cannot be avoided.

    Subotai Bahadur

  20. Maybe my term “media unit” was a little too technical; a friend of mine called last night and at first got a little more technical calling it an aspect “the moral dimension of Boydsian conflict” but then settled down and defined it as telling your side of the story. Pr if you are really jaded, call it public communications. When you are in a conflict such as ours, either you are actively telling your side of the story or you are letting the other side do it for you.

    During the 2022 Trucker Convoy, the protestors had a great story to tell. This wasn’t mamby pamby college students demanding that their Neo-Nazi protest catered Tens of thousands of concerned Canadians left their homes to camp out for weeks in Ottawa in the heart of winter to protest what the government was doing to their lives in the name of COVID lockdowns. Yet no sooner had they rolled into town then Justin Trudeau placed them outside of the Canadian mainstream, blaming them for Nazi imagery and desecration of Canadian monuments. The media outlets, especially CBC and Globe and Mail, repeated those slurs and made the Truckers the North American version of untouchables. The end result was that Trudeau, for only the second time during peacetime in Canadian history (his father was the first), invoked the modern equivalent of the War Powers Act and crushed them

    There was one reporter who did bother to go inside the protest and report from there, an independent stringer named Rupa Subramanya A person of the Left, she realized “…immediately that the reality on the ground was nothing like the received narrative” and that “the many stories I heard shattered the stereotypes that the protesters and truckers were all anti-science, anti-vaxxers, racists, misogynists and would-be insurrectionists.” That didn’t help the Truckers at all because by that time their story had already been told, by Trudeau and the CBC

    In the US, the story of populism going back to the Tea Party has been told largely by its enemies. I would have said “totally” but then you have Donald Trump who knows how to burn through the media wall. However in Britain, the story about the anti-immigration movement is being told exclusively its enemies; Labour, the Tories, BBC… They are going to lump everybody who opposes destroying Britain, even those like Nigel Farage, as social outcasts on par with a drunken yob in Belfast; then they will sick the police state after them. Oh how Obama and the rest of the Left must envy Keir Stammer; if that yob didn’t exist the Brits would have invent him.

    I’ll add one other protest story. A few months after the Loudoun County protests as the Virginia gubernatorial race started to turn, some parents went to the school board meeting very liberal Fairfax County, Virginia. They went to protest the the very graphic, pro-LGBT+ material in the school library. When one parent started to read from one of the books, the Board Chairwoman told her to stop because children might be present. Well we all know what happened after that, those parents were known as “book banners”

    These are great, important stories to tell but they don’t tell themselves and you don’t want the Left to tell them for you.

    Mark Steyn/a> is on-top of the story as only an old Fleet Streeter can

  21. Slightly off topic, but here’s a question. Have the UK victims, over the last decades, been only white or indigenous British people? Have Blacks (ie Caribbean or Nigerian) and/or South Asians been victimized, or are these statistics suppressed?
    I hope talented artists, song writers, etc are memorializing the victims so they are not memory holed. Case in point the successful attempt to memory hole the Trump assassination.

  22. Mike: “When you are in a conflict such as ours, either you are actively telling your side of the story or you are letting the other side do it for you.”

    Does this over-estimate the importance of propaganda/public relations?

    Look at the example of the Zelensky regime — it has been winning the PR battle in the West hands down since the beginning of the proxy war. Remember the fictional “Ghost of Kiev” and the granny knocking down Russian missiles with a can of vegetables. But has that PR victory changed the kinetic reality that Zelensky’s forces are being worn down & pushed back? PR is less important than reality.

    In the West, the percentage of the population that is glued to media (propaganda?) sources like CNN, BBC, NYT is small and declining. Especially among the young, those Establishment loud voices are increasingly hectoring in an empty room.

    We should not let Political Class control of the media fool us into thinking that blonde women anchors have much effect on the course of a society where the Political Class is rapidly losing the Mandate of Heaven. Of course, what is coming to our societies will sadly be nasty, damaging, unpleasant, and very unfair — but that is the course our Political Class has selected, even though it will lead to their own destruction.

  23. Gavin: Does this over-estimate the importance of propaganda/public relations?

    That’s a great point. I will readily admit that there are limitations to propaganda/PR. Anytime I see a large gap between the image presented and reality, I think of line from the song Johnny Cash popularized “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”… that goes “You can run on for a long time sooner or later God’s gonna cut you down.” God, reality, whatever you want to call it is the ultimate form of gravity . The question then is how you are going to use, invest, the short-term tactical advantage that propaganda gives you.

    There’s the case of George Floyd and his “martyrdom.” By the time the truth came out about his thug life and then his autopsy regarding his fetanyl poisoning it was irrelevant because the mythology created about his death had already been invested into DEI and other race-based themes that gained a life of their own; Floyd was no longer needed.

    The Trucker Convoy? The slandering of the protesters was used as a predicate for the Emergencies Act, by the time any investigation regarding the veracity of the claims could be made including a court ruling against the Act’s invocation it was too late because the protest was broken which was Trudeau’s main objective. The effort in 2020 to cancel proponents of the COVID Lab Leak Theory? That was a full-blown cabal that would have made Goebbels proud; now most people accept that theory as not only viable but as probable However by 2024 any damage the Lab Leak Theory would have caused had dissipated; the whole cancellation/propaganda campaign was merely a delaying action by those who understand how an information campaign with a compliant media works. The world is a busy place, time marches on

    Don’t forget the Hunter Biden laptop and covering up Joe’s senility. Yeah it finally got exposed, after it was too late. As with the above, you could almost hear somebody sneer “Okay, you were right… so what are you going to do about it now?”

    You are right about Ukraine, but I would argue that the propaganda campaign was successful because it mobilized the the US and Europe to defend Ukraine as matter of historical importance. Where it all fell part was when the war dragged on and the initial promises of a quick victory were proven false. In other words reality cut it down when Russia didn’t crumble and the war continued. Some say the war was lost when the 2023 Ukraine offensive failed. In reality people like Gen. Mark Milley realized by the Winter of 2022 that the war couldn’t be won and called for negotiations, but the false hopes produced by the earlier neocon propaganda campaign made that impossible.

    For the various populist, normie groups a media/PR unit campaign should be aware of both the fleeting advantages of such initiatives and the need to keep any image produced grounded in reality. That shouldn’t be hard because they have a good story, the right story, to tell What they need is do is to check, even temporarily, the Left’s attempt to define them as out-of-bounds extremists. Give me some go-pros, somebody who knows how to cut video, and let the people talk for themselves. Just one part of an overall strategy

  24. If the people of England didn’t know what was going on, there would have been no riots.

    The problem is that they have been betrayed by their regime. They have voted this way and that way, but policy never changes.

    End result, they gave up on the putative pro-English party- the Tories- and millions either stayed home or voted Reform.

    Hence, the present hard-core leftist regime that condemns them for objecting to police who spend their time harassing people over Facebook comments and explaining away the murder of children.

    The problem is the regime. The regime must go. Period.

    That will require a war, as I don’t think the English communists will go away quietly nor will their Islamist allies.

    Now I don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes- obviously- but I have to wonder if they are aren’t a few UK military officers pondering Cromwell right now.

    We’ll see.

  25. Exasperated asks “Have the [other] UK victim“ groups been affected? Sure.But not the ones you’ve named.

    Wednesday night, Newsmax had the report of a new record high level of UK hate crimes—like in the US, Jews are the leading victim group.

    But they don’t count because too “white.”

  26. “Never give up your guns.”

    That’s the key difference between the UK and Canadian scenarios, and what’s happening in the US. The radical lefty protests only occur in deep blue areas of the country, where gun control exists.

    America retained gun ownership due to its founding on a vast frontier, where self-defense was often necessary against hostile men and hostile wildlife. Europe had no such frontier mentality, hence no cultural need for self-defense.

    I agree that things won’t change in England unless the military gets involved. But in the meantime, we ought to withdraw our military from England while they can still leave.

  27. You’ve got a “political class” comprised of politicians and their enablers. Organize to the extent possible amongst your trusted circle, then target and destroy enablers one by one. Eventually something will give. Good luck.

  28. OC – Never give up your guns That’s a good point and I’ll extend one step further given that the crap-weasel MN gov is running for national office.

    Restrictive gun laws do encourage crime. There’s a reason why you have a high degree of random violence in places like DC. Yet it doesn’t quite explain the enormous damage that the Twin Cities not only suffered, but suffered passively, during the 2020 riots. Minnesota has state-preemption of local laws and doesn’t require a license to purchase long guns.

    Let me offer an explanation to further flesh out problems with blue areas. Remember the “Rooftop Koreans” situation during the 1992 LA riots? The police had set-up a security perimeter for the riot that placed Koreatown undefended. Correctly fearing that the largely black rioters were coming to settle old scores, many Koreatown business owners took rooftop positions openly displaying firearms. There was video of some of them firing off warning shots to deter rioters.

    A while after that I ran into someone at a party who was there at that time. He mentioned that most of the men on the rooftop were former ROK in addition to the cohesion of being immigrants in a different land.

    So why did the Koreans in LA actively defend themselves while people in Minneapolis did not? It wasn’t just gun laws, but the cohesion and organization of those in Koreatown; as opposed to alot of social isolation caused by “diversity” in blue areas.

    One guy with a rifle defending his business against rioters is foolish, we’ll sing songs about his heroism but do so posthumously. Give me the numerical equivalent of a rifle squad, standing “shoulder-to-shoulder” to cover the block and no would-be-rioter is going to want FAFO.

    It’s not just the guns that defend your home and freedom, it’s organization and tactics. There’s just not strength in such things, but hope when the fires come.

  29. re: Ukraine and propaganda

    Massie made an interesting point in his interview with Tucker Carlson in response to Tucker’s question of how the Democrats came to be unanimous in supporting war. Massie said that they still associate Russia with Trump because of their own propaganda. They hate Trump so passionately that they are voting for unlimited war funding against Russia.

  30. The info battle on Ukraine, by Russia, has been working far better for Russia. The Ukrainians have invaded Russia, and Russia is desperate to end that invasion, and is having no luck in doing so. How much has been heard about that in the pro-Russian propaganda organs that pass as conservative sites these days?

  31. Subotai Bahadur has the right of it. When the social contract collapses, all bets are off. Something will replace it eventually but who knows what. The impact of the individual on the authoritarian state is essentially nil and they have gotten very good at suppressing organization. So there is nothing for it but wait until the collapse and try to come out in one piece.

  32. Mike:

    Agreed, it’s not mainly the guns. Plenty of Americans in blue states own firearms. But in many cases they lack the social cohesion, experience and organization to defend against mobs. In the UK riots a few years ago Sikh immigrants were able to defend themselves and their property against mobs, and they did it without firearms. I don’t know how organized or trained they were, but they were socially cohesive and have a strong martial tradition.

    OTOH, people in blue states know that they may be prosecuted for self-defense against state-approved rioters, and in the USA the rioters are likely to be armed.

  33. Jonathan – I had forgotten about the Sikhs. Yes government intimidation is another obstacle to organizing and acting.

    There was another wrinkle to the way the feds cracked down on the Jan. 6 protesters. It wasn’t just the national manhunts and harsh sentences, but the deliberate revelation that there were informants present both in the crowd and within groups such as the Proud Boys. Combine that with the Gov. Whitmer kidnapping plot when it was revealed that there was a near 1-to-1 match of feds and militia members. You think its going to be easy when it comes time for action for people to trust others outside of their social circle? FUD.

    Sad to say but the Left is a quite a bit ahead of us in not only organizing for action but in dealing with a hostile environment; there’s an intellectual lineage of revolutionary action going back to Lenin and Trotsky. Alot of the pro-Hamas demonstrations we see aren’t just for influencing policy outcomes but also for recruiting and team-building.

  34. yes they sowed paranoia, among the outfit, we know the okrana had their no 2, azov inbedded in the Social Revolutionary militants, who had managed to take out a number of leading figures of the Ruling class including Stolypin, Soltzhenitsyn in August 1916 suggests they were sabotaging the regime,

    so they leaked some contacts that Enrique Tarrio had, but yet they gave him 22 years, even though he wasn’t even in the Capitol,

  35. “It’s not just the guns that defend your home and freedom, it’s organization and tactics. There’s just not strength in such things, but hope when the fires come.”

    Have you read “The Attack” by Kurt Schlichter ? The Attack.

    He makes that point several times.

  36. so they leaked some contacts that Enrique Tarrio had, but yet they gave him 22 years, even though he wasn’t even in the Capitol,

    Has anyone told the tsar?

    Ooops, wrong century. I mean, has anyone told the GOP?


    Examples of the complete and utter worthlessness of that wing of the uniparty in regards to the interests of its supporters are- of course- legion.

    For example, I’ve read that the gop declined to put actual ex-military snipers on the committee that is supposedly investigating the attack on Trump. I’m sure we’ll get a congressional report telling us everything was aboveboard in a year or two. Meanwhile, today Trump’s plane made a forced landing in Montana due to “mechanical difficulties.”


    At this point the 22 year sentence given to the black white supremacist for misdemeanors he had nothing to do with and was far away from when they were committed is exactly what I’d expect from the regime.

  37. Thanks for the mention of Schlichter’s book, I’ll have to check on it

    I belong to a little informal study group and our current topic is John Boyd’s Patterns of Conflict. During his post-military career, Boyd tried to delineate common aspects of conflict across time and domain. What he noted as a common principle was that the proper strategy was not to destroy the opponent as much as to disintegrate him, to break his cohesion. He pointed as two prime examples both Blitzkrieg and communist revolutionary theory.

    I have the strong feeling that the ability to engage in collective action is going to be decisive in our near future. The reason why the fore-mentioned Rooftop Koreans has not been replicated. Perhaps the proper way of thinking of the Left and the Deep State’s strategy against Trump and his followers is that ability to break cohesion and deter collective action with repression (post-Jam. 6) as merely subordinate.

    A counter-example is AntiFa, which has gone suspiciously quiet over the last few years (the exception being Cop City); in many ways they follow Boyd’s thesis Reading Andy Ngp’s account of it, I was surprised how a group of outright losers and outcasts had a high-degree of operational and organizational sophistication. While loosely organized and geographically dispersed, they were able to concentrate on key points such as riots in front of the Portland federal courthouse in Fall, 2020. While the rioters themselves were unarmed, the organization on the ground did have firearms as evidenced by rifle-toting guards establishing a larger security perimeter This showed a high degree of tactical planning and discipline operating within a large operational purpose. Ngo pointed out that the rioters were organized into shock groups supplemented by trained medical and communications teams. Of course it was further supplemented by legal and transportation

    What is worrisome is that the American Arab community is rapidly acquiring that cohesion as well. I saw part of it first-hand at last November’s big pro-Hamas protest. Also the leverage that community now has over the Democratic Party as a whole. Geographically concentrated, united largely by a single faith, and focused on a single apocalyptic vision. In many ways, it’s what the Left wants us to think about MAGA. Also remember that the first bombing of the World Trade Center was done by home-gown Muslims.

    Of course all of this, from Muslim cohesion to the State breaking the resistance, can all be applied to Britain. This has been Mark Steyn’s point through much of his writing, the impact of a cohesive minority (for now) is having on the larger European culture.

  38. as I recall what some researchers, said about so called antifa being trained by anarchist types who had cut their teeth, fighting islamic state for the kdp the last generation

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