… and probably too late for the largest portion of the British ruling cadre (such as it is, and to include their national establishment media, political and intellectual class) to emerge with any honor and credit – now that the industrial-scope sexual trafficking and abuse of mostly white lower-class British girls at the hands of Moslem and Pakistani men has blown up into an international concern. Abuse which was enabled and hastily buried away from attention because .. well, musn’t hurt the delicate feewings of a favored minority class by pointing out rampant lawlessness on their part. One mussent point anything so infra dig, don’tcha know, because they are an essential and obedient voting bloc for the Ruling Cadre … and the segment of the population that they prey upon are so … (shudder) deplorable. I mean, one just doesn’t! It would be so raaacist…
This has come to the apparent surprise of many supposedly well-informed parties. Which in turn surprise the heck out of me, because I’ve known about it and posted now and again since 2014.
“Wrap your mind around that, if you please that those bureaucrats, politicians and investigators whose profession and mission is to protect and defend their fellow citizens, especially the most vulnerable among them hesitated to act because they were afraid of being called racists… That many of the girls victimized were from working-class families or the English equivalent of trailer-trash, or from troubled backgrounds anyway just adds a dimension of particularly ugly snobbery. In order to maintain the benign mask of multicultural toleration and diversity in place, the ruling managerial and political class essentially sacrificed the children of the ruled class to a sexual Moloch … and kept quiet about it for years.”
I’ll say this for attentive scanning of international media sources, you will find out about a lot of curiosities, interesting people and historical oddities, and interesting and often amateur takes on witnessing events. Now, after another ten years of essentially shielding the perpetrators of industrial-level mass rape and sexual exploitation from meaningful prosecution, the British ruling class is finally having to face the wrath of the ordinary working and middle class – that wrath finally exploding into the open. I suspect that the desperate fury on the part of Two-tier Kier and his elite class allies stems partly from frustration that they haven’t entirely been able to squash people like Tommy Robinson, as well as other ordinary citizens bitterly resentful about having their ordinary and formerly livable, cohesive communities ripped apart … all because the ruling elite wish to dissolve the people and replace them with more biddable and obedient others.
Comment as you wish.
(Sorry for seeming distracted in this essay – my sister’s family home is in the evacuation zone for the Eaton Fire, which is burning down from the mountains into Altadena and parts of the adjacent suburbs. My niece and mother are in a hotel outside the evacuation zone. My sister, brother in law and nephew are together – we presume safeguarding their house.)
Best wishes to your family members in the LA area, Sgt Mom. Let’s hope they avoid the devastation.
However, more generally, we have to note that Californians have been voting for the same Democrat incompetents for years, virtue signaling on “climate change” while studiously avoiding the very obvious problems which were building up. Forest fires in Southern California? Not exactly unexpected. Sadly, blame for the failure to prepare for such an eminently predictable problem, including by voting for competence rather than DIE, lies with the people.
There is a strong analogy to the English Ruling Class disdain for the abuse of working class girls in that there has been no secret about this for years. Mark Steyn frequently commented upon it. All the Labour Party members who voted to make Starmer prime minister knew he had been in charge of hushing up this matter in one of his earlier roles. Sometimes we get what we vote for — good & hard.
As a side note, are ordinary English women realizing that they are once again almost bottom of the stack. The actions of Starmer and his group demonstrate that class is more important than female gender; ethnicity is more important than female gender. If it were not for white males, English women really would be at the absolute bottom of the barrel. But this is what they voted for.
To really hate the deplorables, well, Tommy, the best it requires a certain accent. Piers has it, Nigel has it, all these silly azz-hats have it. Just look at the names. Kier or Tommy. In hopes of a revolution, never too late for that.
The Lord protect those you love.
If govt is not going to provide it’s one most basic service, physical security, then what’s the point of even having a govt? Maybe enough people will wake up and realize that.
I spend a chunk of time every year over in the UK. I can report that the food has improved, so I enjoy my breakfasts while watching BBC news.
Last time over the news, every day for a week, was all about a Parliamentary Investigation into “Tainted Blood”. Sounded really bad, but as the story was spun out over time it turns out that it was this: A group of families of, mostly, hemophiliacs who’d gotten infections and died after blood component transfusions spend decades petitioning for financial redress and recognition, Yes, decades, as most of this happened in the 1980s and early 90’s! I was never able to quite parse out the facts, but there was sure a lot of emotion. And of course, these people were ill treated.
The blood mostly came from plasma centers in Icky Icky America, so plenty of hammering on that point.
This was a “Crisis” that could not be pinned to any current politician, and iirc was probably all Margaret Thatcher’s fault. Somehow. The solution of course is to write a lot of checks, and to say the NHS needs a lot more money.
Rejecting a national inquiry just because it might, nay, will show the nature of their current leadership, and that it will be difficult to make it Donald Trump’s fault, does not change the reality that inquiries on a national scale can be and are done.