What We Must Remember

I understand that 10/7 seems like an eternity ago, but as we watch the ceasefire in Gaza unfold there are some things we need to remember.

While there is an “exchange” of people between Hamas and Israel, it is not an equal trade. Israel is releasing from its jails blood-thirsty killers, members of a group that has sworn to destroy it. Hamas is releasing men, women, and small children which it had kidnapped on 10/7.

Those who were kidnapped on 10/7 were the lucky ones that day. Hamas invaded Israel and killed more than 1,200 civilians. These dead were not the collateral damage of war, but deliberately targeted by Hamas as it overran Israeli towns to commit mass torture, rape, and murder.

Those civilians kidnapped by Hamas were as targeted as those which it so cruelly tortured and killed. They were kidnapped to be used as bargaining chips, both to escape destruction by the Israeli military and to inflict psychological torture against the Israeli population at large. Much as Hamas cynically uses its own civilian population as human shields, fortifying its positions with so much living concrete, it uses Israeli civilians to weaken Israel’s will to resist through the implementation of horror and pain.

The recently implemented ceasefire is merely the logical extension of that psychological campaign as Hamas uses those innocents it kidnapped on that awful day as the means to escape (for now) its richly deserved destruction. Every released hostage is for their families, and for Israel itself, a cause for celebration. It is also a cause for all civilized people to refill our hearts with a determined resolve.

Never forget.

4 thoughts on “What We Must Remember”

  1. Yea I’ll “never forget” how the IDF seem to kill everything in sight on 10/7. Or how the rave was moved prior to 10/7. Or the Israeli politicians screaming for blood. Or how Gaza looks worse than Dresden. Or the clapping seals of the “Greater Israel” project. Or the rape of Israeli prisoners. Never forget except if it is inconvenient to your Narrative.

  2. It would be nice if the incoming Trump administration backed Israel, with no strings attached, in its campaign to destroy Hamas. Why adopt even a smidgen of the Biden regime’s pro-terror policies? Obviously Israel was pushed into this awful deal, which will appear to the jihadis (in Gaza and elsewhere) as a victory, and embolden them further. Not to mention their military force receiving an infusion of a thousand of their most hard-core compatriots.

    What is the U.S. interest in preventing the total destruction of Hamas?

  3. the Islamist syndicate, broadly known has many allies through out the Bureaucracy, from Turkey and Qatar

  4. I fear that Israel’s prioritization of getting back the hostages at nearly any cost will only assure that there will be more in the future, as in the past.

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