35 Years Ago Today

Demolition of the Berlin Wall began.

On the 20th anniversary I wrote a parody of the Bowling for Soup song “1985” in honor of the collapse of European Communism. I seriously want someone to make a music video out of this.

Woo Hoo Hooooo!
Woo Hoo Hooooo!

Honecker built the wall
He thought that he had it all
Head of the GDR, oh
Wife’s in the Politburo
His dreams were smithereens
By October 16
He was the Number One man
What happened to his plan?

He was the head of party
He was the head of state
He shook his Commie fist
Dissidents he sealed their fates
His own SED
Is now the enemy
Miffed by his corrupt life
And nothing, has been…
All right since

Lech Walesa, and Havel
Way before Obama
There was Ronnie and Gorby
And Russians still in Hungary
The Commies from the old school
They think the change is way uncool
They’re all dissatisfied
With 19, 19, 1989

Woo Hoo Hooooo!
Woo Hoo Hooooo!

Pozsgay read the Marxist classics
He knew every creed
“Class struggle,” “Labor theory”
“From ability to need”
But Hungary was whammed
Economy was jammed
Thought he’d try a hand
To come up with a new plan

Where’s the full stores
Like the ones in the West?
And what’s with those East German guys
And weekly unrest?
When did Polish dissidents
Get on the TV?
What ever happened
To Comintern, Five Year Plans
(In the streets were)

Walesa, and Havel
Way before Obama
There was Ronnie and Gorby
And Russians still in Hungary
The Commies from the old school
They think the change is way uncool
They’re all dissatisfied
With 19, 19, 1989

Woo Hoo Hooooo!

Ceaucescu hates these times
He wants to make it stop
“When did the Berlin Wall
Become a pile of rocks?
And tell me why did Prague
Surrender to that playwright?
Please make this stop
Stop, STOP”
[sound of rifle cocking]
“Please no more…”

Walesa, and Havel
Way before Obama
There was Ronnie and Gorby
And Russians still in Hungary
The Commies from the old school
They think the change is way uncool
They’re all dissatisfied
With 19, 19, 1989

Woo Hoo Hooooo!

Lech Walesa, and Havel
Way before Obama
There was Ronnie and Gorby
And Russians still in Hungary
The Commies from the old school
They think the change is way uncool
They’re all dissatisfied
With 19, 19, 1989

Sis Boom Bah

No, this has nothing to do with exploding sheep.

Linking a Powerline article on the election at Hot Air, Ed Driscoll takes issue with one of its points:

I’ll disagree with my friend John a bit here. There has been a cult of personality around Trump, which is what happens with charismatic figures in politics. There was a cult of personality around Obama too, which Obama purposefully cultivated, and one around Reagan that came together more organically.

Hinderaker doesn’t deny a cult of personality, he just says correctly that personality did not drive Trump’s campaign.  “[H]e ran on the issues. He talked relentlessly and effectively about inflation, the border, and war and peace.” Other candidates with personality cults also ran on issues. The hip, personable Bill Clinton (the last fun Democrat to run for Prez in the general) ran on blaming Bush for the recession, whose root cause was undoubtedly the S&L crisis (in which the Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan played a tiny part). The quasi-Messianic Obama ran on War on Terror criticisms and on blaming the Republicans for the Great Recession.

Recall the pep rallies of high school, and their outrageous taunts of the opposing team. People from all factions bring this spirit into politics. It seems that scarcely anyone other than the right applies the other key element: over-the-top aggrandizement of the home team. This looks weird to many leftists and to many conventional schlubs on the right because their approach to their own candidates is more subdued; to them hilarity must directly deprecate the other candidate. As a larger-than-life personality facing outlandish political enemies, Trump is a magnet for pep rally treatment. He is seen in memes as comically heroic, riding an eagle or wearing a superhero outfit or leading dogs and cats to safety away from the clutches of migrant diners. 

Not-Quite-Random Columbus Day Musings

Who were the most geopolitically significant individuals in world history? Columbus is the first obvious example, given the holiday. He served as the catalyst for the Western migration to the Americas. Who else ranks up there? The first three names that come to mind are Jesus, Mohammed, and Karl Marx, the founders of Western civilization, Islamic civilization, and world Communism, respectively. Communism is relatively new compared too many past civilizations, but the scale of its global impact far exceeds that of the greatest individual empires. Any other nominations?

He Who Must Not Be Named

Now that Mark Zuckerberg has admitted to caving to government pressure to censor Facebook users’ remarks about COVID policy and to suppress the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop and its incriminating emails, maybe it would be a good idea to revisit the policy of Facebook, YouTube and others to ban the mere mention of the name Eric Ciaramella, the CIA analyst rumored to be the whistleblower involved in Trump’s first impeachment. The New York Times profiled the whistleblower without naming names, and a number of journalists found one guy who fit the description. For whatever reasons, various platforms insist that if someone is rumored to be a government whistleblower, the person must receive absolutely no public mention under any circumstances or in any context whatsoever.

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