If Only Soylent Green Was an Option

I’ve written about Detroit’s financial woes in these pages. High taxes, an anti-business mindset, and a surplus of government meddling has caused the city to lose residents at an alarming rate. Losing taxpayers results in reduced money for government budgets. When faced with such a situation, the only sane response is to make hard decisions and cut back on non-vital programs. If these decisions aren’t made, then eventually even vital government services will be overwhelmed.

The political leaders in Detroit have failed the test of their sanity. Things just keep sliding into the crapper, with no end in sight.

The latest chapter in this tale of woe is a doozy. It would seem that people in and around Detroit don’t have the cash to make arrangements for their deceased loved ones, and the city doesn’t have the cash to cremate the bodies which are now choking the morgue.

I don’t want to be anywhere near the place if they have a power blackout for a few hours!

Don’t Be COI

All the bad press has prompted ACORN to act decisively in order to improve their standing.

Are they going to start to follow the law? Fire people who advise clients on ways to commit crimes, even if they aren’t caught on camera doing so? Maybe even refuse to commit fraud?

No, none of that. They are just going to change their name. Goodbye ACORN, hello Community Organizations International.

Because Conservatives are just too dumb to figure it out if you call it “Shinola“!

(Hat tip to Glenn.)

Compare and Contrast

Murdoc very kindly gave us a heads up to this fascinating photo blog. Pictures taken in Normandy during the 1944 invasion are compared side-by-side with images taken from the very same spot today. Looks like they cleaned up the place a bit since then.

Uncle points us to this photo array. The weekly food intake of families from various parts of the world are shown in graphic fashion, and the money spent is tabulated. Makes me proud to be an American.

Well worth your time.

Not Holding My Breath

The headline reads “Global pressure builds for UN action to free Suu Kyi”.

Because, as we all know from past experience, the UN is just sooo effective at getting oppressive regimes to start making nice.

Penumbra Obliterated

I’ve got a question for any of our readers that happen to be lawyers.

Free access to abortion services appears to be a shibboleth of the Left that they hold particularly dear. That, at least, is the unmistakable conclusion one must draw when considering the actions of the Democrats.

For example, the abortion question was at the forefront of the news all during the Bush administration. Just about every time the President nominated a jurist to fill a vacancy on a court bench, it seems that the Democrats wanted to spend most of their time during the confirmation hearings endlessly grilling the potential judge on their views concerning abortion. If memory serves, it started with Priscilla Owen, who had to wait through four years of wrangling and filibuster before her nomination ever came to a vote! In fact, she would probably still be stuck in confirmation hearing limbo if it wasn’t for the so-called Gang of 14.

There were other issues that got the Dem’s fur up, but it seemed to me that the abortion issue certainly took center stage more often than any other.

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