Going Dark

I’ve mentioned the concept of water empires here before.

The idea is that a central government has control over a vital life-sustaining resource, such as water. If a province rebels or otherwise acts up, then the supply is cut off. The problem takes care of itself in a year or two of savage starvation, since there will be no harvest if the fields are dry.

Water empires invariably lead to both despotism and corruption. It is so easy to exert total control over life and death, why wouldn’t the people in charge work to consolidate their power? They’d be idiots if they didn’t, after all.

And, since the aforementioned people in charge are in total control, the rules simply don’t apply to them. They can indulge their every whim, favor this person or industry over another, simply because they can. Who is going to stop them? Anyone who tries will be in big trouble when the water stops flowing, after all.

So what happens if the vital resource is electricity instead of water? Why wouldn’t history repeat itself?

(Hat tip to Glenn.)

Waiting For The Cries Of Outrage

A veteran firefighter with 28 years of service refused to go with his crew to aid the injured when Rep Giffords was shot in Arizona. He says that the reason why was due to “political bantering”, as most of his fellow firefighters did not share his own political views.

But what were these political views which caused such division?

The firefighter in question, Mark Ekstrum, started his career as a registered Democrat. He switched his affiliation to Independent 11 years before the shooting occurred, and insists that he voted for Rep. Giffords in the last election.

Make of that what you will, but it doesn’t look like he was a Conservative.

Answer To Their Prayers

There has been some activity on the news channels about how the head of an anti-illegal immigrant group was convicted of murder.

It appears that a few of her followers dressed as police officers in order to kill and rob a family involved with drug dealing. The motive was money and drugs that might have been in the home, and these ill-gotten profits would then be used to fund “border operations”.

Of course, the convicted was kicked out of a better established group before deciding to start her own. To all indications, she was oen of those strange and disturbed characters that one always finds on the fringes.

I expect that advocates of “immigration reform” will find this incident to have a great deal of value to them. Anyone who suggests that border enforcement comes first will probably be tarred as a murderous vigilante.

Winds Of Change

The Canadian government spent a great deal of effort and money in touting their alternative energy initiatives, particularly electricity generating through wind turbines. Lots and lots of tax dollars have been spent on various projects. These weren’t depicted as public work projects, but as “investments”.

The day before yesterday, they quietly reversed that policy.

Gee, I wonder why!

Looks like the “investments” didn’t pay off.

—- UPDATE —-

I was just informed that it was the Ontario government, controlled by the Liberals, who are the culprits behind funding for the wind power projects that are being dropped. Not the entire Canadian government!

My bad about that, and a thanks to the reader who took the time to let me know that I was off base!

Pining For The Good Old Days

Reporters in Egypt were attacked last week by supporters of President Hosni Mubarak. CNN talking heads are running scared, coming back home with their tails between their legs.

I bet they’re all nostalgic for Saddam Hussein. Now there was a dictator you could do business with!