Thanks to the David Horowitz Freedom Center for the Opportunity to Speak about America 3.0

terranea sunset

I had a wonderful opportunity to speak at the recent David Horowitz Freedom Center West Coast Retreat on March 23, 2014.

The very last talk of the weekend was on the topic of America’s Future. It was in a “three chair” format. The moderator was Brian Calle. The other person in the interview was Prof. Charles R. Kesler.

Before the event I was able to read much of Charles Kesler’s recent book entitled I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. The book is, mercifully, not entirely about our current president. It is instead a history of liberal and progressive politics in the last 100 years. Recommended.

The discussion went well, and was well received, I am told by reliable observers.

There were many good speakers over the weekend. Some standouts (from memory) were Catherine Engelbrecht, Caroline Glick, Bret Stephens, Congressman Louie Gohmert (who was much better than I expected). The entire event was beautifully run, and the facility, the Terranea Resort was very nice. Frankly, it was quite a bit more posh than I am used to. Being in California instead of Chicago for a few days, with a 25 degree temperature difference was also good.

My most heartfelt thanks to the David Horowitz Freedom Center for having me speak, to the many people who spoke to me about the America 3.0, and to the many people who bought the book.

Mike Lotus Speaking About America 3.0 at the Oak Park Public Library, Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I will be speaking about America 3.0 at the beautiful Oak Park Public Library on Wednesday, April 9, 2014. I hope you can join me.

Special thanks to Centuries and Sleuths Bookstore for making copies of America 3.0 available for sale at the event.

Special thanks also to Jim Bowman for his piece in the Oak Park Wednesday Journal, A library book-talk you don’t want to miss: Rebooting American prosperity.

The flyer for the event is below the fold.

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Illinois Mirror Poll Shows Republican Bruce Rauner is up 13 Points Over Incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn in IL Governor’s Race


My friend Eric Kohn runs a terrific new site: Illinois Mirror.

Here is his opening manifesto.

Illinois’ legacy, calcified media long ago abdicated its obligation to provide useful knowledge that engenders an informed public. I don’t really care if it’s out of disinterest, laziness, partisanship, or cozy relationships with those in power, but the establishment media outlets stand by and tap their keyboards while Illinois crumbles. So, if the air-brushed, teleprompter-fed local media won’t do its job, Illinois Mirror will.
We accept the responsibility that they abandoned. We’ll offer a perspectives that they ignore to reveal how Illinois government really works and its effects on the public.

Right on.

And so far, so good. In fact: So far, so outstanding.

The Illinois Mirror today published the amazing results of its poll for the Governor’s race.

This is the first poll for this race.

The Illinois Mirror poll shows GOP candidate Bruce Rauner up THIRTEEN POINTS over Donk Pat Quinn!

Wow. We know Pat is awful, and we know the state is an ongoing train wreck. But still, for a purportedly Blue state, that is a surprising number.

Barring a disaster, we will elect a GOP governor who at least talks like a reformer and, fingers crossed, will actually be one.

I, and many others like me, ask only this of Bruce Rauner: Be what you say you are, do what you say you will do.


The old timers in the GOP were against Rauner. And the teachers unions pushed their members to switch-hit and take GOP ballots to vote for Kirk Dillard, the main establishment GOP candidate. As a result, Dillard got within a couple of points of Rauner, confounding many polls which predicted a Rauner blowout.

In fact, the only poll that correctly showed the race would be close was the Illinois Mirror poll!

Nice work.

Question for the studio audience: Is there any chance this lopsided poll result will be a bellwether for the USA generally in November?

I sure hope so.

And keep your eye on the Illinois Mirror!

Mike Lotus Interviewed on Coffee and Markets about America 3.0

Thank you to Brad Jackson and Allysen Efferson for interviewing me on Coffee and Markets on March 26, 2014 about America 3.0. Coffee and Markets is a part of the Red State empire.

It was an enjoyable interview, and I hope the listeners enjoyed it.

The interview may be heard here.

Mike Lotus at David Horowitz Freedom Center West Coast Retreat, March 23, 2014

Mike Lotus will be speaking about America 3.0 at the David Horowitz Freedom Center West Coast Retreat on March 23, 2014.

The current plan is to have the lunch keynote discussion be on the topic of America’s Future. It will be a “three chair” format. The moderator will be Brian Calle, and the other person in the interview will be the distinguished Prof. Charles R. Kesler.

I picked up Mr. Kesler’s recent book entitled I Am the Change: Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism. I will read it, though I find it hard to spend too much time on the distasteful topic of our current president.