“America as we have conceived of it is done.” Really? No.

“America as we have conceived of it is done.”

Then why are we bothering to talk about it?

America as it exists today changed from something else to what it is now — and it will change from what it is now into something else again.

What the new something else is — is up to us.

Socialist ideas are wrong. Socialist policies fail to deliver. Socialist programs are value destroying. Socialist public bodies are wasteful and ruinous. Socialist promises are lies. Socialist politicians are fools or scoundrels. Socialist authority tries to coerce outcomes that it can never achieve.

Socialism cannot work.

Socialism always fails.

So as American gets more socialistic, it is simply that much closer to the exhaustion and disintegration of socialism, American style.

It is a matter of when and how, not if, a socialistically organized American public sector, or corporatist-public sector, will fail.

So, America as we conceived it is not only not done, it is going to be only alternative remaining when the people who benightedly or maliciously tried to “vote themselves rich” have imposed enough ruin on themselves.

Ronald Reagan was right about the Soviet Union, and everybody else, including me, was wrong. While earnest looking men in suits advised the President about that invincible Nemesis sprawled athwart Eurasia, Reagan would respond with a joke about how the elevators and toilets never work in Russia.

American style crony capitalism and political machine hackery will die a similar death for identical reasons.

We are having this discussion because even Rev. Sensing himself surely believes there is an America worth living in that we may yet succeed in creating — as hard as it will be to do that.

And technology is on our side.

We are near the bottom of a J-shaped curve, but the upswing is coming.

We are heading through a painful transition period to America 3.0.

Lift your chin. Be happy. Don’t give up.

Fear God and dread nought.

We are going to win this thing.

Who’s with me?

Video: Mike Lotus Discussing America 3.0 at the Heartland Institute

I spoke about America 3.0 at the Heartland Institute on December 12, 2013.

It was about 30 minutes of me talking, and 30 minutes of Q&A.

Video is here.

Thanks again to Jim Lakely at Heartland for inviting me to speak, and to Keely Drukala for putting this video together, and incorporating my slides.

History Friday: T.E. Hulme (1883-1917)

T.E. Hulme was a poet and critic who died leaving behind a very small corpus of work. Nonetheless, he is considered to be an influential figure in artistic modernism, and more tenuously, in modern conservatism.

Further, Hulme was an English version of a peculiar type of artist and intellectual that emerged in the early 20th century, which we rarely see anymore: A radical reactionary, a revolutionary conservative, or an anarchistic tory. On the Continent, these sorts of people tended toward fascism. An excellent book on this era is The Generation of 1914.

In the English speaking world, they tended to be religious and cultural conservatives. T.S. Eliot falls into this category. My favorite, Evelyn Waugh falls generally on this part of the spectrum, as well, though Waugh is a late specimen of the type, and on the more pugnacious side, which I like.

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Thanks to the Men’s Group at St. John of the Cross Church, Western Springs, IL

Thanks to the Men’s Group at St. John of the Cross Catholic Church, in Western Springs, Illinois, for inviting me to speak to them about America 3.0 this Saturday. Two big cups of coffee put me in good trim. 40 minutes me talking, about 45 of lively and pointed questions and discussion. It was great to see the big turnout on a cold Saturday morning. Perhaps I even convinced one or more of them that America’s greatest days are yet to come! I hope so.

Michael Lotus Discussing America 3.0 on “A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminus”, February 12, 2014

Thanks to Sheila Liaugminas, of Relevant Radio, for interviewing me this Tuesday about America 3.0.

This interview will be the the first of a three-part discussion about America 3.0.

The show will be broadcast next week, February 12, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. CST.

The link to Sheila’s Face Book page is here.