Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom: Friday, March 23, Noon

Stand Up For Religious Freedom

The Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom is being held Friday, March 23 at noon, local time, outside federal buildings, Congressional offices and historic sites across the country. The theme for the Rally is “Stand Up for Religious Freedom—Stop the HHS Mandate!”

Nationwide Rally Locations and Info

Chicago: Federal Plaza, 50 W.Adams, Friday, March 23, Noon.

Click on the link to find a location near you.

Chicago Tea Party Patriots: March 7, 2012

The next meeting of the Chicago Tea Party Patriots will take place on Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00PM at Blackie’s Chicago, 755 S. Clark Street. Be sure to order some food and/or a drink and tip generously.

There is an easy to find, easy to use $6 parking lot across the street and metered parking in the area.

“Our monthly meetings are open to all freedom loving Americans.”

The theme for the meeting will be: “The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart”. Further details will be announced.

We will also have as our featured speaker: Patrick Hughes, Conservative Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in 2010.

I hope some of you will join us.

Jim Bennett Radio Interview

UPDATE: You can listen to the archived interview:

Part 1

Part 2


Live now, 9:00 PM EST on KNUS 710 AM in Colorado.

Listen here.

I’ll post a link to the archive as soon as it’s available.


Photo Software Deal

Adobe Lightroom 3 is on sale, today only, at $79.95 with free shipping.

This is great software. There’s a new version coming out soon, but at this price for the current version you can’t go wrong.

Faith Under Fire: The Global Threat to Religious Freedom, March 10, 2012

This Chicago area event — Faith Under Fire — looks like it will be excellent.

This Conference is designed to address the plight of persecuted religious minorities in Muslim countries. Join us to learn the real nature of their hardships and what each of us can do to advance religious liberty for suffering indigenous communities.
Leaders of the indigenous communities describe their plight.
Eyewitnesses offer riveting testimony about this harsh reality.
Key members of U.S. Congress discuss action to prevent genocide.
Global experts offer critical analysis of the international threats.
Panelists discuss policy issues and opportunities for action.

We hear about a mythical Arab Spring.

But for many non-Muslims in the region, it is a Winter of persecution and the destruction of ancient communities.

These atrocities should be getting more attention.

Buy tickets here.