Crowdsourcing a New Chicagoboyz Header Image

Commenters and regular contributors here have complained that the thumbnail photos of famous Chicago boys that appeared in our blog header at have gone missing. It’s true; I removed them. Some of the images are copyrighted and I decided that their inclusion in our header probably didn’t quality as fair use, so down they went.

I liked the photo header and maybe one day I will recreate it using public-domain or other alternatives to copyrighted photos. In the meantime I would be interested in suggestions for alternative header designs that might be appropriate for this blog. The only stipulations are that if you submit a design it must be a design that you created, and that by submitting a design or concept you are giving us irrevocable permission to use it in our header image.

If you own the copyright to any photos of famous Chicago boys and would be willing to let us use your photos in our header that would be good too.

Finally, if you can point us to public-domain photos of Friedman, Hayek et al that would help a great deal.


UPDATE: Please email any graphic designs to jonathan at chicagoboyz dot net.

Books for Sale

I have a bunch of books for sale.

Mostly military history. Also a lot of US history. Not rare books, but some uncommon titles. All good stuff. Buy ’em soon — I culled ruthlessly and I may change my mind on some of them!

Check it out.

A Book the Size of a Brick

Oh, lord, I thought on Monday afternoon, when I ripped opened the industrially-strong sticky tape that held the cardboard mailer closed around a hardbound book the weight and dimension of two bricks did I really write all that? The UPS guy had just brought it, and left it on the porch after ringing the doorbell, and departing as swift as the wind . . . or as swift as one can be, working a delivery job at the height of the summer in South Texas. I wouldn’t want to linger on a doorstep either, when it’s over 100 degrees in the shade and towards the end of a working day.

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Chicago Tea Party Meeting Tonight

Chicago Tea Party meeting tonight, 7:00 p.m., features Otis McDonald, plaintiff in the critically important case gun rights case McDonald v. City of Chicago.

I hope to see some of you there. I will be wearing a seersucker suit and a Gadsden Flag lapel pin — carefully positioned to cover the small splotch from a drop of spilled coffee.

UPDATE: Despite Mr. McDonald being a last-minute no-show, this was about the best Tea Party meeting I have been to yet. I hope to blog about it soon.

Upcoming Chicago Tea Party Events

The Chicago Tea Party is sponsoring a TeaCon 2011 on September 30 – October 1, 2011. Check it out.

Before that, the next Chicago Tea Party meeting is on August 3, 2011. The speaker will be Otis McDonald, plaintiff in the critically important case of McDonald v. City of Chicago — which is worth reading, even if you are not a lawyer.

I plan to be at both of these events, hopefully wearing my new shirt:

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