Chicago Boyz Reader Survey Results

Here are the results to date. I cleaned them up as best I could, but you should still interpret the data with a skeptical eye. At the least there are probably a few duplicate responses. Unfortunately the formatting below is not very good, but it’s not difficult to understand the answers once you get the pattern. Note that free-form answers are generally listed under “other.”

The results are interesting and should help us to improve the blog. Thanks to all who participated, and particularly to those respondents who left kind remarks.

I will leave the survey running for as long as it continues to accumulate responses.

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Chicago Boyz Reader Survey

Readers of this blog are invited to take a brief survey, available below in the extended-entry section of this post. Your participation requires only a few minutes and should help us to improve this blog. I’ll post the survey results as they become available. Many thanks for participating, and don’t forget to hit the “Submit Survey” button at the bottom of the survey frame when you are done.

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to the survey! I encourage anyone who has not responded to do so. The results look to be quite helpful.

UPDATE 2: In question 13 the option “Religion” appears twice. My mistake. The survey software doesn’t allow for corrections, so please ignore the second instance.

UPDATE 3: In case it isn’t obvious, please note that “Other” and some of the other options in the multiple-choice responses comes with text-entry boxes to allow you to enter additional information.

UPDATE 4: Still trying to figure out how to post the survey results. . .

UPDATE 5: Survey results as of Feb. 15, 2006 (survey is still running; feel free to take it if you haven’t yet).

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Cato’s New Online Publication

Cato Unbound is an online periodical intended to combine the better features of blogs and magazines. The first issue’s lead essay by James Buchanan proposes three new Constitutional amendments from a classical-liberal perspective. Response essays from other scholars will be published on a blog-like schedule (i.e., every few days), article submissions are accepted, and trackbacks are enabled to encourage discussion on and linking by other blogs. Cato Unbound appears to be well thought out and I hope that it will be read widely.

Trackback Spam and “.info” Domains

I added the domain “.info” to the comment-spam blacklist because lately it’s the common feature of most of our trackback spam and few legitimate commenters use “.info” domains. I have blocked “.info” in the past, but doing so always caused problems because the blacklist blocked any comment in which the string “info” appeared at the beginning of a sentence. However, this time I took the trouble to use the proper perl expression for the blacklist, so that now “info” gets blocked only if it is preceded by a period with no spaces between the period and the “i”. I hope this does the trick. If you still receive error messages about “info” and are unable to figure out a workaround, please contact me by email or comment. Thanks.

Blogroll Additions

Added to main blogroll:
Architecture + Morality
COUNTERCOLUMN (formerly Iraq Now)
Mystery Pollster

Moved to main blogroll:
Man Without Qualities

Full Disclosure
The Stalwart

UPDATE: I have added the excellent New Economist