In my profession, I deal with many large corporations. Many of them are household names that everyone has heard of. I buy products from these corporations, mark them up, inventory them, and resell them for a profit. I am a middleman, in wholesale distribution. I suppose you can call me a relic that made it – I remember a long time ago many companies warning their distributors that with the dawning of the internet age that we would beome obsolete. Nothing could be further from the truth – but I digress.
Consumers, by and large, see the frontsides of major corporations, or their retail marketing arms. Very few people would know the ins and outs of GE’s locomotive division, but are very familiar with GE appliances such as washers and dryers. It is very difficult for the average person to comprehend how large some of the companies in the Fortune 500 are, how they go to market, and how diverse many of these companies are. Everyone who likes golf knows Titlest, but nobody knows who Fortune Brands is.