I can’t tell if it’s a joke but there’s currently a Chicago Craigslist ad seeking only white males for a network admin job.
Considering the situation of our economy and the fact that almost every company in the Great City of Chicago is practicing racial profiling when it pertains to hiring, we will be straight forward and save a lot of time by asking that ONLY WHITE MALES apply for this position, since that is whom we are going to hire anyway.
I’m currently job hunting right now. I submitted my resume mostly to see what sort of train wreck this company is. Since I belong to a tiny religious minority and while I have a genetic mix that can pass visual inspection it doesn’t really match classic American racist requirements, I would have to be much more desperate than I am now to really consider these guys for a job. Oh, my tolerance for idiots is also probably set too low.
Unless it is a joke or some sort of false flag operation, this is a company that’s going to have its finances ruined by the upcoming class action suit. Explicit white racism is not something that lends itself to them making payroll for any length of time.
So how would you take advantage of the situation?