The Rumors Are True

Yes, now that he is safely ensconced in office, perhaps forever, George W. Bush intends to put liberals into concentration camps. Here is a top-secret photo taken by one of our clandestine operatives of the guard tower at one of these camps:

Your Worst Nightmare


Maybe it is just my perspective but I found Iowahawk funny: it describes the seductive powers of red state culture to blue state adolescents.

Around here, it is true, ethnic groups and aesthetic contests that seem, well, “blue state,” are co-opted by Aggie power. The scholarships for high school art students come from cowboy art awarded in a contest sponsored by the Houston Livestock and Rodeo show; the Rabbi’s son was active in FFA; coveted high fashion to our exchange student from Germany were senior boots – part of the military uniform of the Corps of Cadets.

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Great ideas

Don Luskin has a good sense of humor. Maybe this Jesusland idea ain’t such a bad idea after all.

My iguana has no shame!

. . . he runs around naked all day. Here’s some hot reptile porn for our friend Moira Breen and any Chicagoboyz who are geeky enough to be interested in this kind of thing (yes, WV, I mean you).

Iguana miss you.

Manolo blogs!

Yes. The shoe stuff doesn’t do much for me, but the guy has a sense of humor, and who can object to photos of the pretty chicas? He even links to us. Such a mensch.

(via Jeff Jarvis)