Great Essay at Power Line

John at Power Line has posted a great essay where he discusses the role the American media has assumed in the War on Terror. He points out that the constant emphasis on casualties in Iraq with no strategic or tactical perspective is, to say the least, counterproductive.

“We are conducting an experiment never before seen, as far as I know, in the history of the human race. We are trying to fight a war under the auspices of an establishment that is determined–to put the most charitable face on it–to emphasize American casualties over all other information about the war.”

Go read the whole thing. It’s well worth your time.

Also worth your time is this account from Michael Yon of a firefight in Iraq. Stuff like this should be on the front page of every newspaper in America. Instead we get big headlines about the casualties, and nothing else.

(My thanks to loyal reader Robert Schwartz for the heads up.)

Nominee for the Annual “Not Getting It” Award

Sudan killed about 2 million of its own people (mostly Dinka) in the South of their country, took a large number of them as slaves, and are currently machine-gunning, raping, looting, and butchering the Fur minority in the West. That’s bad enough, but treating a reporter roughly? “They can always say `no comment’ … but to drag a reporter out just for asking is inexcusable behavior.”

Defining Chaos Down

The Guardian’s blog entry on the terrorist bombings there is titled:

Bomb blasts plunge London into chaos

The only problem is there doesn’t seem to be much chaos for London to plunge into. The city seems quite orderly. Chaos would seem to imply rioting, looting or a collapse of services, none which is occurring. Everyone seems to be doing that stiff-upper-lip thing the Brits are so good at.

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Foley’s Mission

Another apology. (Thanks, Instapundit.) Well, kind of apology; title is “Confronting Right-Wing Hysteria.” And its gist is that the “apology” concerns the niggling–an unimportance communicated by parentheses: “(Truthfully, I had to listen to a webcast of my presentation before I actually recalled what I said.)” So Linda Foley writes.

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In the Spirit of Walter Duranty

The Los Angeles Times has published an absolutely despicable article about North Korea. Article here; reactions by Hugh Hewitt (along with many links to other comments) here.

Hugh says that the LAT has thus far chosen to publish none of the letters to the editor which have been e-mailed in response to this article.