Regina Spektor, Laughing With

The Beards, T.S. Eliot

The Cutters

These guys are so good. It is amazing that they were so little known.

complete works are here.

I wrote about them way back when.

Something got me thinking about them today, and especially Angela’s voice, and how great it is to find that these songs are still just sitting there on the Internet to bring happiness to the lucky few who know about them.

(Check out “Type A Girl”, “Postcards”, “Verucca Salt” and (a slow, sweet one) “Where in the World” — but they are really good.)

WSJ and Music

A recent WSJ article about Tom Petty and how he is perceived relative to his rocking “peers” caused me to instantly grimace thinking about the time a couple of years ago when I saw The Strokes open for Tom Petty in Chicago at Northerly Island and The Strokes just blew Petty off the stage. We left after a couple of Petty’s songs… it was about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Well then the WSJ put together a matrix ranking Petty’s peers that made me almost throw up in my mouth a bit. Everyone on that list was ancient, and very few were even creating new music anymore (or at least music that anyone was listening to). Of the individuals on the grid I wouldn’t even cross the street to see 90% of them for free. And this is “rock”?

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The Carter Family – Keep on the Sunny Side