Jesse Jackson Used the N-Word

A little double-standard action from the Reverand.

What a dolt.

One guy left a comment, which I deleted, on my post about Jackson, saying it was sad to see all this fear and hate.

That is funny.

The only fear and hate I am seeing is from a political has-been, Jackson, who has contempt for the people of his own color whom he has pretended to represent all these years, as some kind of unelected permanent spokesman, like some Sub-Saharan President-for-Life.

Jackson is the guy who said he wants to cut Barack’s nuts off, when he was being honest, when he thought no one was listening.

That could be hate, I guess.

I just want Barack to lose the election. I don’t wish him ill, or wish him harm, I merely wish him political defeat. I am probably not going to get my wish.

Jackson is full of fear and hate for Obama for a reason. He is watching his whole ongoing scam go down the drain since someone who has actually won some elections, who has some cross-racial appeal, is now the Leading Black Person in America. And it is about damn time, too. Could that be a reason for Jackson’s hate and fear? Ya think?

I still say “Black” and I mean no disrespect. When I was really little, I can still remember the use of the word Negro, as a respectful improvement on what had come before it. Then at some point, it became “Black”, and we were all taught in elementary school that we were supposed to say “Black”, and that was just fine with me. Then at some point we replaced a clear, simple, one-syllable word with six ambiguous syllables, African American. I get a yuck out of TV announcers trying to find a way to talk about actual Africans, for example.

Just like Teddy Roosevelt, John McCain’s hero, I don’t like hyphens.

And I don’t think of my Black colleagues, classmates, friends and neighbors as … what Jackson calls them.

I think of them as Americans.

“Walkability” is Moot…

…if people can’t afford to live there.

Some group has declared that San Francisco rates highest for ease of getting around on foot. Of course they are considering only the people who are already there, not those who have been priced out of SF by its sky-high real-estate valuations, the result of land-use restrictions imposed by the Bay Area’s notoriously anti-growth political culture.

One of the comments on the site where the walkability story appears puts the issue well:

The problem has never simply been walkability. It’s always been affordability. Take New York City. Rent for a studio apartment is $2000. In the burbs? $1000 for a one-bedroom. The $1000 difference pays for an awful lot of gasoline. Oh – and I should mention the 4% income tax New York City levies on its residents.
The effect of higher gasoline prices won’t be people moving en masse into marginal inner city areas. Instead, it will be the progressive reduction of property prices in the suburbs to compensate for higher gasoline costs, coupled with the gradual move of businesses to the suburbs to accommodate their employees, and save on real estate costs.

To paraphrase a statement one often hears from the Left, the rich and the poor are equally free to walk on the streets of San Francisco.

Monster Anole of the Day

(Note that by “monster” I really mean, “about 8 inches long, not including the tail”. This may not seem like much but it is sure to impress the true anole aficionado, as most anoles are much smaller. Unfortunately there was no dewlap action here, perhaps indicating that this specimen is a female.)

Fernandez Clarifies – As Do His Readers

The consensus among Chicagoboyz seems that Obama will win; I would not argue. But the first commentor at Belmont Club’s post makes a point with which we might also find consensus (if, as one Chicagoboyz notes, also depression):

Last summer McCain said he would rather lose the nomination than lose the war and possibly this allowed some people who hadn’t before to understand the stakes involved.
McCain is no longer saying this because he doesn’t have to. But more than that, I think he now realizes the stakes involved require he win the election.

Fernandez analysis of McCain’s speech on Iraq & Afghanistan is thoughtful. Further commentary by Hanson is also to the point. This follows Belmont Club’s earlier analysis of Obama’s speech.

Thee Ultra Bimboos

Thee Ultra Bimboos

L-R: Suffeli (laulu, kitara) Milla (rummut) Salla (basso) Maria (kitara, taustalaulu)

More outstanding girl rock. Thee Ultra Bimboos are (or were) an all-girl punk/pop/garage rock band from the frozen wasteland of Finland. All the songs on here are good. But one called “Liar, Liar” is just killer — big punk rock guitar sound, and beautiful harmony vocals on the chorus. It is almost like garage rock meets bluegrass or something. I listened to it about ten times and decided to share.

(Special girl rock bonus for our readers: Kim Shattuck‘s handpicked Best of the Muffs.)