We Are Everywhere


(Though, actually, the preferred graffito, not of course that I would ever recommend such a thing, and I most emphatically do not, is capital C, capital B, small z, with the bottom line of the z slashing rakishly off to the right. Nonetheless the enthusiasm of our many fans, however misguided this or that manifestation may be, is greatly appreciated. It is the spirit of the thing that counts.)

The Worth of Khan

Is America’s entire education infrastructure as obsolete as the “buggy whip?” Is it possible that a short education story in Fortune Magazine and on CNN’s Money site will shake the foundations of America’s overpriced and underperforming education system? One can only hope.

A recent CNN/Fortune Magazine story entitled “Bill Gates’ favorite teacher” told an amazing story of how one young man is revolutionizing the delivery of knowledge over the internet. The site and method is so successful that Bill Gates and venture capitalist John Doerr have snapped to attention at the growing phenomenon of the Khan Academy, an on-line school providing sequenced curricula on a wide range of content – all for free.

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Your Tax Dollars, Funding Palestinian Propaganda

The U.S. government is funding an ad campaign in Israel featuring billboards of Palestinian officials asking: “We are partners — what about you?” The Agency for International development “invested” $250,000 toward the billboards.

Via Michelle Malkin, who notes that a Democratic Congressman has been circlating talking points about how great this administration’s support for Israel has been.

Meanwhile, Palestinian terrorists have murdered four more Israelis, right down the road from Daniel Jackson’s house.