We’re Barely Capitalists

It is not remarked generally in the popular press but, in many instances, the West is barely capitalist. Let’s just look at the simplest definition of capitalism, per Wikipedia:

Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit.

How many of the businesses and services that you encounter on a daily basis meet that test? Very few, I’d bet.

Here’s some hardworking guys that load beer out of a truck. Oh wait – that’s Wirtz, and they are part of what is basically a beer cartel, an Illinois Liquor Distributor. This Chicago Reader article (while a few years old, still basically relevant) calls it out:

Many say the three-tier system has made distributors a protected class, but distributors maintain that liquor requires special rules to this day… California State University economics professor Glen Whitman, who has conducted a study on the economic logic of the system, pooh-poohs this rationale. “The arguments are in no way specific to alcohol,” he says. “Why aren’t we concerned about people producing counterfeit Coca-Cola? We have sales taxes on all kinds of goods, but we don’t feel the need to create a third party for them.”

If you are in the media business, your license or spectrum is effectively negotiated with the government. If you are in the health care business, you are tied to a byzantine public / private system deeply enmeshed with the use of government dollars. Energy / electricity / gas is tied to various monopoly service laws, and permitting pushes out many of the smaller entities (“fracking” is one of the rare efforts to escape their grasp, mainly because it came up spontaneously and off the radar). Agriculture is tied to price supports, and many service industries (such as law) use “guild” power to limit new members and entrants, regardless of quality of work claims. Of course schools, universities, police and fire departments, etc… are completely government controlled entities.

So what’s left? Well you have small scale retail, and restaurants. While they have a bit of government oversight, the government probably plays a smaller role than in most industries.

I read a recent article about Greece where a visitor actually had hope for the country because, for the first time, people no longer queue for government jobs since the government is no longer hiring, and they need to go to work for themselves. Not only do they need to work for themselves, they need to have a product that they can sell outside Greece because their fellow countrymen have few Euros left to buy anything.

A recent article I wrote about the power situation in the UK was distressing because the government was effectively moving to virtually a “central planning” model for energy, and this is a Tory (right wing) government. Without a second thought they disregarded the fact that the private sector generally does better than a government imposed model, whether it is done by command or by fiat by limiting permitting and creating bogus incentives on items such as wind power which collapse as soon as the gravy train expires.

It is definitely a scary thought experiment to think about the “free market” as you walk around a city such as Chicago, and how little of it exists, and how what’s left is dominated by crony capitalism, cartels, and political favoritism.

Cross posted at LITGM

Horrific Act Of Violence

The media has been buzzing the last few days with news reports about a terrible mass shooting at a midnight screening of the latest Batman movie. Those of us who are not directly involved, who were not in the theater or do not know anyone who was, can have no idea of the pain and anguish that such an act leaves behind. Hundreds of people will never be the same again.

That aside, the question that will inevitably be asked is if there was any way to prevent such a crime.

My very strong impression is that the suspect, who was arrested outside the theater just moments after allegedly committing mass murder, was obviously a deranged individual who can never be trusted to be set loose amongst the innocent public again. But he was also an extremely methodical, clearly intelligent, and very resourceful individual who spent months planning his big day.

Case in point are the reports of his earlier life, which are filled with tales of his academic prowess. You don’t get accepted to a reputable PhD science program unless you have some brains.

The second indication of his drive is how he spent months assembling his arsenal. Not only guns and ammunition, but also body armor, tear gas grenades, a gas mask, and ingredients for the improvised explosive devices he used to booby trap his apartment. All of that gear would have cost thousands of dollars, and the fact that he didn’t blow himself up when preparing to rig his home with explosives and incendiaries shows that he must have spent some time carefully researching the correct way to assemble his bombs.

It is inevitable that the Left will take up the call for increased gun control, but I think it is very clear that such laws would have done nothing except slow down the timetable a bit.

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Get Your Foot Off Our Air Hose, Charles

Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke:

Get to work Mr. Chairman

The deep problems with our economy are not primarily matters of monetary policy (although excessively low rates maintained by the Greenspan Fed did contribute materially to asset overvaluation and the consequent 2008 crash.) Rather, our current problems are primarily a function of bad policies driven by Mr Schumer’s Democratic Party, ranging from suppression of American energy supplies to overweening regulatory arrogance to a legal climate encouraging destructive litagation to a dysfunctional public school system which every year produces millions of almost illiterate and virtually unemployable graduates.

Instead of taking their foot off the air hose of our economy, Chuckles and many of his fellow Democrats are demanding that the Fed simply turn up the air pressure. And when the hose breaks, I’m sure they’ll find lots of people other than themselves to blame.

Related post here.