@TedThorson4506 says:
The current American Left (communitarian) and the current American Right (libertarian) are diametrically opposed politically, and thus have no common ground. No reconciliation is possible.
…which inspired @michelletandler to post a poll: is reconciliation possible? As of this writing, the voting stands at:
–Yes, 29%
–No, 42%
–Maybe, 25%
–Other, 3%
I voted ‘other’, because I’m not sure that ‘libertarians vs communitarians’ really represents the primary factor in the split we are seeing. As I said at Michelle’s post:
I don’t think the current American Left is really communitarian. They use the term ‘communities’ a lot, but their idea of a ‘community’ is basically a demographically-defined group, or a category of people defined by sexual behavior.
What do you think…does ‘libertarians vs communitarians’ really capture the primary factor in the split we are seeing? And, if not, what factor(s) are primary in this split? And, whatever those factors may be, is there a real chance for reconciliation?