A Wise Voice From Italy

I look at the website of In theNational Interest from time to time. There is usually something good on there, and I commend it to your attention.

I recently noticed this interesting review of a book called The Inevitable Alliance: Europe and the United States Beyond Iraq, by Vittorio Parsi. Since it is in Italian, I’m not likely to ever read it. Parsi is yet another person who notes that the international system based upon state sovereignty which originated in the treaty of Westphalia is disintegrating. This is often taken to be a good thing by liberals, who hope to see an over-arching, supra-national world order emerge. However, the reviewer summarizes Parsi’s view as focusing not on some new superstate emerging. Rather, “…the emergence of failed and other rogue states as well as the menace of non-state terrorism—the latter being essentially a return to the privatized violence that marred pre-modern times.” Parsi notes that it is the supposedly unsophisticated United States, not Europe, which has “avant-garde grasp of the ‘new world disorder’”.

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Dean got smoked

Wow, Howard Dean really got his head handed to him on a platter in Iowa

“With 87 percent of the precincts reporting, Kerry had 37.9 percent, Edwards 32.1 percent, Dean 18 percent and Gephardt 10.6 percent.”

Update: Man, this guy is losing it. Pretty funny!

Update2: The hits just keep on coming… “Dean breaks out into spontaneous Star Spangled Banner after being heckled…”

Talk about the epitome of pandering. He needed the conservative vote, so he wanted “the guys with the Confederate Flags”… he needed the Christian vote, so he found Jesus all of a sudden… About as low as it gets eh?

American Manufacturing

My last client was for a spin out of a small manufacturing business of an oil equipment giant. This subsidiary’s business isn’t really related to the parent’s, so they’re trying to create value through an IPO. I was there for the diligence part of “due diligence”, so really got to know the operations inside out. (The cynic in me says the partners are there for the “due” part, which is to collect the bills due, but that’s another story in itself.)

One thing that really stuck out in my mind through this assignment was that this was one of the last great American manufacturing jobs left. By which I mean a relatively uneducated employee could start on the company’s manufacturing line with a salary of around $22,000 a year, and work their way up. With hard work and patience, they could eventually work their way into a skilled job up the line with a respectable annual salary of $50,000 – $70,000 a year. Granted it would take many years, but it’s an accessible on-ramp into middle class for literally someone with a high school education. If the person were really dynamic and had the brains, they could even swing themselves into a management position at some point. The company had good benefits, including retirement and all the usual goodies. In a nutshell, a worker’s paradise for lack of a better term.

Looking over what they do and what they make, there isn’t really anything – save social responsibility on the company’s part – to stop them if they wanted to transplant their entire operations to China or India. They would save a bundle on labor costs, and given the highly automated nature of their machines, you really don’t need that much skill on the part of the workers. At the very least, none of the skills involved are above the aptitude of an eager Chinese or Indian. The double edge sword of modernization is also that since you want to make everything automated and dumb it down to the n-th degree to maintain high quality, you get to a point where you can literally take the brain out of the equation. So pay a Chinese or Indian $100 a month, and you decrease your biggest operating expense by more than 90%.



I’m the new guy here at ChicagoBoyz. A big thank you to Jonathan for getting me into blogging. I’ll try to keep it interesting.

For those who read my future posts, you can probably figure out who I am. But for work purposes, I have to keep it In-Cog-Nito, hence the pen name.

With that, I look forward to adding my $0.02 to the pot.