…since we lost Neptunus Lex
Here again are some of my favorite Lex posts, most but not all of which I linked last year at this time. All are very much worth reading.
The captain wakes before dawn…with a feeling that all is not well with the ship
Reading Solzhenitsyn at the US Naval Academy
Movie vs reality. Lex, who served as executive officer of the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN), answers some question’s from his daughter’s friend about the movie.
Hornets, Tomcats, Scooters, Girls & Guys, Oh My!
Some reflections on a less-than-perfect carrier landing, a verbal interchange that probably shouldn’t have happened, and the nature of leadership
Have you ever killed anyone? asked the massage therapist, after learning that Lex had been in the Navy.
You’re having a dinner party and have the magical ability to invite 10 people–5 men and 5 women–from all of history. Who would you pick?
A troubled pilot and an F-18: Maybe they saved each other.
Tennyson’s Ulysses, personalized and hyperlinked. Created by Lex to mark his retirement from the Navy. Perhaps my favorite of all of Lex’s posts, and particularly appropriate today.
Bill Brandt, a frequent Chicago Boyz commenter, has a tribute to the Captain at The Lexicans.
Thanks for posting this.
On the “movie vs reality” matter. A friend of mine, a retired Marine fighter pilot, went into the El Toro Officers Club one Friday soon after the movie came out. He just wanted a beer before he went home to his wife. He had been a TopGun instructor at one point.
Anyway, a girl came up to him in the club and grabbed his crotch ! Friday night in the O club had always been raucous but that was a new one for him. He told his sister to never go there on Friday.
David – thank you for introducing me to Lex
I meant to include this great story from Lex’s wife Mary (aka The Hobbit)
…not to be missed!
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
I clicked over to the Lexicon website (I’m a retired Naval Aviator) and left a brief condolence for his family. It is interesting to note that Lex’ last entry was about the use on drones on US citizens and Eric Holder’s dissembling of the notion of due process as defined in the Bill of Rights. Exactly one year to the day and Rand Paul is standing up in the Senate on this specific topic.
God Bless you, Lex. RIP, we remember and thank you.
He had a real ability to put you into his world – the funniest story I have read in a long time is this one
I’m going to have to read it again tomorrow
I have learned more about the Navy from his writings in the last year….
That is a classic Bill!
Jeff when I first read that I am laughing so hard tears are coming!
RIP, insightful, enigmatic Lex.
We are forever diminished by your loss. Big thanks to the family for keeping that site open.