
Today, June 6, is the 69th anniversary of the Normandy landings. See the Wikipedia article for an overview. Arthur Seltzer, who was there, describes his experiences.

Don Sensing points out that success was by no means assured: the pivot day of history.

Two earlier Photon Courier posts: before D-day, there was Dieppe and transmission ends.

Pictures from Sarah’s 1999 trip to Normandy.

Neptunus Lex: The liberation of France started when each, individual man on those landing craft as the ramp came down – each paratroop in his transport when the light turned green – made the individual decision to step off with the only life he had and face the fire.

Neptunus Lex also wrote about the Battle of Midway, which took place from June 4 through June 7, 1942. See also his post from 2010 about this battle.

Bookworm attended a Battle of Midway commemoration event in 2010 and also in 2011: a sentimental service in a cynical society

3 thoughts on “Remembering”

  1. There are still a lot of stories about Omaha Beach that are little known, including that of the RAF Radar unit that landed there.

    See my post here on chicago Boyz about them.

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