Seth Barrett Tillman: The U.S. has a rich tradition of politicians selling memoirs/books while holding elected federal positions…

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The emoluments suits represent an attack by the elite, master word-smiths, who claim a monopoly on all the positions of state, against a public who, from time-to-time, elects people who don’t live in the world of words and texts. Instead, these people make things and do deals.

Seth Barrett Tillman Tweet 20171106

Also: Tales of the Unexplained. From Plaintiff’s Opp’n to the DOJ’s motion to dismiss in the DDC emoluments case. see page 34 n.24: /1

1 thought on “Seth Barrett Tillman: <i>The U.S. has a rich tradition of politicians selling memoirs/books while holding elected federal positions…</i>”

  1. Weren’t Washington’s land deals intended to be self-enriching?

    And he has a decent claim to be by far your most distinguished Prez.

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