The Multi-Front Attack on Free Speech

Free speech…free expression generally…is under attack in America and throughout the Western world to a degree not seen in a long time. I think there are some  specific phenomena and (partially-overlapping) categories of people which are largely driving this attack–I’ve written about this subject previously, here, but the situation has gotten even more serious since that post, and some of the important factors were underemphasized.   Here are the current fronts, as I see it, in the war (not too strong a word, I’m afraid) on free speech.

The Thugs. As I pointed out in my post  The United States of Weimar?, illegal actions against political opponents, ranging from theft of newspapers to direct assault and battery, have in recent decades become increasingly common on university campuses, and now are well on track to being normalized as aspects of American politics. Incidents of political thuggery are reported almost daily: just the other day, pro-Trump women at an upscale DC hotel were verbally attacked and apparently physically assaulted by members of a  wedding party  that was heavy on Democrat attendees; including, reportedly, some top officials from the DNC. A pro-free-speech film was reportedly  interrupted by two men wearing masks. Interruption of movies they didn’t like was a tactic used by the Nazis prior to their obtaining official censorship powers. The film “All Quiet on the Western Front” was  plagued by Nazi disruptions  when released in Germany in 1930. And attempts to shut down dissident speakers on college campuses,  such as this, have become so common as to now be almost the default expectation.

The Assassins.  These individuals go beyond the level of violence practiced by the Thugs, and make credible death threats they attempt to carry out against those whose actions or believe they view as unacceptable. The majority of threats and attacks falling in this category have certainly been the doing of radical Muslims; however, some of the more extreme ‘environmentalist’ and ‘animal rights’ groups have also demonstrated Assassin tendencies. At present, however, it is those Assassins who are radical Muslims who have been most successful in inhibiting free expression.  Four years in hiding for an American cartoonist. But see also  Ecofascism: The Climate Debate Turns Violent,  how long until this justification and practice of violence reaches the level of justifying and carrying out actual murders?

The Enclosure of the Speech Commons. Whereas the Internet and especially the blogosphere offered the prospect of political expression and discussion unfiltered by the traditional media, the primary social-media providers have taken various levels of controlling attitudes toward free speech; Twitter, in my opinion, is especially bad. Partly this is ideological; partly, it probably reflects their ideas about protecting their brands. Yes, there are plenty of ways to communicate online outside of the social media platforms, but their growth has been so rapid that a large proportion of the potential audience is not easily reached outside their domains. Note also that conversations that one would have been private friends talking at home, or over the telephone are now semi-public and sometimes made fully public. Plus, they become part of an individual’s Permanent Record, to use the phrase with which school officials once threatened students.

The Online Mobs. The concerns of the social media providers about providing online “safe spaces” does not seem to have in the least inhibited the formation of online mobs which can quickly make life unpleasant for their targeted individuals, and even destroy the careers of those individuals. Decades ago, Marshall McLuhan referred to the technology-enabled Global Village; unfortunately, it turns out that this virtual village, especially as mediated through the social media platforms, has some of the most toxic characteristics of the real, traditional village. See my post  Freedom, the Village, and the Internet.

And the mobs do not limit themselves to attacks on the target individual: they frequently attack other individuals who fail to participate in the shunning of that target person.  As an example:

A few weeks ago, shortly after  I left my magazine gig, I had breakfast with a well-known Toronto man of letters. He told me his week had been rough, in part because it had been discovered that he was still connected on social media with a colleague who’d fallen into disfavour with Stupid Twitter-Land. “You know that we all can see that you are still friends with him,” read one of the emails my friend had received. “So. What are you going to do about that?”

“So I folded,” he told me with a sad, defeated air. “I know I’m supposed to stick to my principles. That’s what we tell ourselves. Free association and all that. It’s part of the romance of our profession. But I can’t afford to actually do that. These people control who gets jobs. I’m broke. So now I just go numb and say whatever they need me to say.”

Increasingly, it’s not just a matter of limiting what a person  can  say, it’s also a matter of edicting what they  must  say.


The Bureaucrats.  Bureaucrats, especially in the universities but also increasingly in the private sector, are eager to provide the altars for the sacrifice of free speech, with Star Chamber proceedings and various forms of witch-burnings. Partly, this is due to personal cowardice of university administrators, in particular, have never given evidence of being a particularly courageous category of people, and part of it is due to actual repressive attitudes held by those bureaucrats.  A professor joined the Trump administrationsee her story of what happened after she returned to the campus. Local-government officials, also, have demonstrated hostility toward free expression by refusing to enforce laws properly and by demanding ridiculous ‘security fees’ (protection money) from politically-disfavored groups.

The Wimps.  It seems that among the younger generations in America, there are a disproportionate number of people whose ‘self-esteem’ has been raised to such lofty but brittle levels that they cannot stand any challenge to their belief systems. Hence they are eager to sacrifice their own freedom of speech, as well as that of others, on the altar of ‘safety’ from disturbing words and thoughts. (But even among those who are  ordinarily courageous  people, the consequences of speaking out in many settings, especially academic settings but also some academic and other settings) can be so damaging that those who are not  extraordinarily  courageous tend to demur.)

This sort of fragility easily turns to violence. Increasingly, people whose beliefs are questioned claim that they feel “threatened” or “unsafe”. I imagine that their emotions are similar to those of an extremist Muslim faced with a denial of Muhammed as the Prophet, or perhaps a medieval Christian encountering an atheist.

The Regulatory State.  The vast expansion of Federal regulatory activities and authority enables a wide range of adverse actions to be taken against individuals without the checks and balances of normal judicial proceedings. Witness, for example, the IRS persecution of conservative-leaning organizations (possibly extended to pro-Israel organizations as well). And the Bureaucrats in nominally-independent organizations are really often acting as agents and front men for the Regulatory State. (Consider  the 2011 ‘Dear Colleague’ letter  sent from the Department of Education to colleges and universities, regarding the handling of sexual assault allegationswhich has had, the linked article argues, serious negative impact on free speech and due process.)

The Theoreticians.  Various academics have developed the concept of ‘oppressive speech’ and have developed models that attempt to break down the distinction between speech and action. Since everyone agrees that actions must be regulated to some degree, this tends to pave the way for tightened regulation of speech. (I think the conflation of speech with action is particularly sellable to those who in their professional lives are Word People and/or Image People. To a farmer or a machinist or even an electrical engineer, the distinction between speech and action is pretty crisp. To a lawyer or an advertising person or to a professor (outside the hard sciences), maybe not so much. And the percentage of Word People and Image People in the overall population has grown greatly.

See also the attacks on the whole idea of free speech as crystallized in the First Amendment at  this academic conference.

The Fragility Feminists.  Actually, the word ‘Feminists’ should probably be in quotes, because the argument these people are making is in many ways the direct opposite of that made by the original feminists. There is a significant movement, again especially on college campuses, asserting that women are such fragile flowers that they must be endlessly protected from words that might upset them. See the controversy over  the name of the athletic center at the Colorado School of Mines. Here I think we have the Bureaucrats and the Fragility Feminists making common cause, as they so often do. For another (and particularly bizarre) case, read about professor Laura Kipnis, whose essay decrying ‘sexual paranoia on campus’ resulted in a Title IX inquisition  against her. In a particularly disturbing note, when Kipnis brought a ‘support person’ to her hearing,  a Title IX complaint was filed against that person.

Any remark that has anything to do with sex may cause serious repercussions for the speaker…any remark that anyone  could even interpret as  having anything to do with sex may cause such repercussions.  See what happened to this professor who made a joke in an elevator.

The Lords of Words and Images.  Perhaps once upon a time, journalists and their employers were mainstays of free expression; if this is indeed true, it is true no longer. In addition to the often-blatant political bias, the media organizations have adopted the attitudes of a privileged, aristocratic caste, often apparently believing that “journalists” have more free-speech rights than ordinary people, and that any criticism of journalist amounts to an attack on free speech.

But many of them are sure eager to attack the free speech of others. See  Journalists Against Free Speech, also  How Journalists Became Fahrenheit-451 Style ‘Firemen’.

The Spies. Right after the 2016 election, Congressman Schumer warned Trump: “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” To the extent this warning reflects reality, it would imply that the US has become an intelligence dictatorship, in the same sense that some countries are military dictatorships. We’re not there yet, by a long degree, but the movement has been in the wrong direction. And if intelligence agencies can  get  the President of the United States, or even  think  they have a real chance of doing so. What can they do to an ordinary citizen who says something they don’t like?

The Paymasters. The economic growth of China yields great influence in other countries, including the United States, and that influence is being used to manipulate and limit our domestic political conversations. See my post  So, Really Want to Talk About Foreign Intervention?

Also see  Columbia U cancels Panel on Communist China’s Human Rights Violations.

More broadly, a globalized and “borderless” world tends to imply that speech restrictions in one country have an influence on speech in other countries. Why limit the audience for your movie or your computer game by saying something that will likely get you banned in Country X? See  Coupling.

The Advertisers of the Apocalypse. The assertion that the cities will soon be underwater, that the world is burning, that we have only 12 years to solve the problem of “carbon pollution”…the climate-change story in its most extreme and strident form is being used in some quarters to argue for the suppression of dissenting voices. If climate change is the equivalent of  war, why this obviously justifies the kind of interference with individual liberty that in a democratic country normally only occurs in a  real  war. Woodrow Wilson’s policy toward dissenters during the First World War seems to represent a model for what these people are advocating.

The Categorizers. There is today a great focus on the categorization of people into certain predefined slots, along the dimensions of race, gender, and sexual preference. If you are, say, a Black person or a woman who dissents from any aspect belief systems that you are supposed to hold, in the opinion of the progressives, then you will be denounced as a traitor to your own kind and it will be asserted that you are “not really Black” or “not really a woman.” If you think I’m exaggerating,  see what a prominent “progressive” organizer said about Brigette Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

It’s very important to note that  every single one  of the above 14 phenomena and categories of people is either closely associated with the Democratic Party or is covered for by the Democrats. Yes, there are some threats to free speech from the conservative side as well, but they are not nearly as powerful as those associated with the Democrats, nor are they growing and converging at the same alarming rate. These are not just trivial, fringe groups and factors; see Peter Robinson on  The Existential Threat to Our Democracy.

As a reminder of what the Democratic Party has become,  remember the filmmaker who was arrested in the wake of Benghazi…arrested, in essence, for  blasphemy.

Free speech is overwhelmingly important: so long as speech is free, other problems are likely solvable. But when free speech is destroyed, the feedback loops of society are destroyed and all kinds of social phenomena will trend toward bad or disastrous levels. And the trends discussed tell us that the survival of a free-speech environment in America is by no means certain.

I do not want to come across as saying the situation is hopeless. American free speech has many protective factors: the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, a pro-free-speech tradition, the emergence of alternatives to media gatekeepers, and the federal structure of government. We also have the advantage that freedom-seeking people from other countries have tended to immigrate to this country and are doubtless still doing so, although this motivation for immigration has always been mixed with economic motives.

But the 2020 elections will be critical. Every increase in the power of the Democratic Party as currently constituted represents a reduction in the odds of preserving the United States as a truly free country, and this is true of state and local elections as well as national elections. A Democratic President combined with a Democratic Senate and a continuation of the Democratic House would not necessarily spell the end for free speech in America, but it would push the trends even more strongly in the wrong direction.

What are your thoughts on the state of free speech in America, the relevant trends, and what individuals can and should do in this connection?

(also posted at Ricochet)

14 thoughts on “The Multi-Front Attack on Free Speech”

  1. That is an excellent comprehensive overview of all the individuals in society who have a vested interest in shutting-up their fellow citizens. And the trend is bad! No doubt about that.

    However, the optimistic view is that those same anti-free speech individuals have already lost — they just don’t know it yet. They are like Hitler after launching the attack on the Soviet forces in Soviet-occupied Poland. It feels like winning! And it is winning — for a while. But Nazi Germany’s doom had been sealed on the day of that successful attack.

    Today’s anti-free speech individuals pursue self-destructive theories — “Climate Change”, Modern Monetary Theory, de-industrialization. They have run up debts that can never be repaid, and they have made commitments on pensions, health care, social security that can never be honored. Their current system will collapse. It is inevitable. The only question is — When?

    The human race will survive this coming collapse, just like it has survived all the previous collapses of empires & societies. What emerges from the collapse remains to be seen. History suggests it is likely that the phoenix society arising from the ashes of Political Correctness will be dominated by men of action, not by miscellaneously-gendered persons of words.

  2. Gramsci would be so proud of these progs.

    Orthodox Marxism had predicted that socialist revolution was inevitable in capitalist societies. By the early 20th century, no such revolution had occurred in the most advanced nations. Capitalism, it seemed, was more entrenched than ever. Capitalism, Gramsci suggested, maintained control not just through violence and political and economic coercion, but also through ideology. The bourgeoisie developed a hegemonic culture, which propagated its own values and norms so that they became the “common sense” values of all. People in the working-class (and other classes) identified their own good with the good of the bourgeoisie, and helped to maintain the status quo rather than revolting.

    To counter the notion that bourgeois values represented natural or normal values for society, the working class needed to develop a culture of its own. Lenin held that culture was ancillary to political objectives, but for Gramsci it was fundamental to the attainment of power that cultural hegemony be achieved first. In Gramsci’s view, a class cannot dominate in modern conditions by merely advancing its own narrow economic interests; neither can it dominate purely through force and coercion. Rather, it must exert intellectual and moral leadership, and make alliances and compromises with a variety of forces. Gramsci calls this union of social forces a “historic bloc”, taking a term from Georges Sorel.

    Bourgeois values are also known as “common sense.”

  3. Good piece, but you REALLY need to get those stupid Margaret Ball books at the least further down on the sidebar.

    FB uses the first one — Insurgents — as a view along with the headline of a piece, and it really makes the whole article look stupid.

    I have to turn off the “preview”, and replace it with a text version of the headline, which also makes the links less likely to be clicked on… but not as much as if the MB book was on it.

    It makes the links when copied to FB look like book links rather than article links.

  4. You could have just said “the left” and gotten it right.
    Twitter is irrelevant, the question is how strongly will facebook suppress conservatives in the next 10 months. My impression is that the only thing stopping a Stalinst FB purge is Peter Thiel.
    I think those of us who are heavily online sometimes get too pessimistic. The UK and Aussie elections show that the left is by no means a popular force.

  5. OBH…well, I actually like Margaret’s books…but the image that goes with a post should be either something to do with the post, or a logo for the overall blog…or no image at all, which is probably fine in most cases.

    Maybe there should be a CB logo image created and placed wherever FB will grab it.

  6. Brian: “The UK and Aussie elections show that the left is by no means a popular force.”

    Don’t get overly optimistic about that. I don’t know about the Australian election, but the UK election was not in any sense a victory for smaller government and reinstating the rule of law.

    First, the Conservative Party is not what its name suggests. It is a Left-Wing Party — against fracking, in favor of spending more on socialized medicine, determined to make the UK “Carbon Neutral” by whatever intrusive means are necessary, saying next to nothing about the key British issue of immigration.

    Second, the Conservative Party’s large majority in Parliament disguised the fact that 56% of those who voted cast their votes for Parties which are even further Left-Wing than the Conservatives.

    Rather, it could be argued that the UK election shows how far Gramsci’s “Long March Through The Institutions” has gone in the UK.

  7. Gavin: That’s entirely separate. For better or worse there is no major constituency for smaller government. But the fact is the left got its butt kicked in those elections despite owning the media, etc.

  8. Call me a cockeyed optimist but I don’t see the coalition you delineate surviving for long. There are too many sharp teeth and claws with too much appetite for notoriety. The end will be bloody but most of the blood will be from the left, just has it has been up til now. The guy marching next to you, yet unable to see the transcendental righteousness of your cause from a stupid adherence to his own is a much closer and softer target.

  9. I’d add one more group: The traditional-values-conservative anti-pornsters. Support for free speech on the Right has something of a new, now-my-ox-is-being-gored, air about it, and there are still conservatives who want to fight the war on porn. By doing so, they give aid and comfort – and worse, legitimacy – to the censors of the left. “Those censoring right-wingers can hardly object when we want to ban images and words that we find obscene.”

  10. DL: pr0n ain’t free speech. And never in human history has it been as ubiquitous or easily obtainable, even for children, as it is today. Putting meaningful barriers to its dissemination online is no more oppressive than are laws preventing it from being available at the checkout counter of the grocery store.

  11. From what I see, social conservatives are focused on three areas these days:

    > Abortion – which involves the unalienable right to live, and therefore a legitimate area for government intervention.

    > Forcing employers to provide contraception coverage … not that most so-cons are against contraception, but they object to the trampling upon the freedom of conscience of those who are against contraception.

    > Redefining “marriage” to include same-sex and other relationships … i.e. a useful tamper for jamming the morality of a Cult of the Credentialed and Connected Omniscient down our throats by judicial fiat, to the point that continued dissent is marginalized and suppressed as “hate” … and dissenters are de-platformed, and even financially penalized for their refusal to support its celebration.

    Porn is down in the mud, compared to those three.

    Free speech is relevant to the third issue above … and to the role of faith and its expression in a free society. I find it particularly irritating how Progressives insist on “separation of church and state” when they themselves operate on heavy doses of the faith in their assumptions, with a combination of blindness and zeal that makes fire-and-brimstone Baptists look like loose-topped libertines out for beads at Mardi Gras … effectively insisting that their faith be given a pass on the Establishment Clause simply because they can see their gods on video screens and in their mirrors.

  12. “how long until this justification and practice of violence reaches the level of justifying and carrying out actual murders?”

    It’s already happened. The Left would love to cover it up, but a major point in both the El Paso and Christchurch shooters’ manifestos was ecological fascism.

  13. “El Paso”
    Can I just say that it is still exceedingly strange that there is video of an eyewitness, in real-time, saying clearly and calmly that they saw four or five black clad shooters in El Paso, and no one ever has followed up on that in the media as far as I can tell? Not even to try to get them to say “it was really confusing, maybe I saw a few people running away from the shooting and got things mixed up”? (Also, as far as I know all that was ever released as far as evidence was that one picture of “the shooter” entering the Walmart, and whatever happened to him anyway?) I have never believed a conspiracy theory like this, but I’ve never seen video like that, and after Las Vegas and Epstein let’s just say it’s a bit easier to believe crazy conspiracy theories nowadays than it used to be…

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