Photo credit here.
I am thankful for a lot of things, but for this post I would like to thank Jonathan for being such a gracious host on this blog. The comments and posts that I read at ChicagoBoyz are very beneficial to me and always entertaining.
I would also like to thank Jonathan for inviting me to share some ideas here with what I consider to be one of the very best audiences on the internet. The audience is not so large as to have a giant quantity of trolls, yet is large enough – and adult enough – to be able to engage myself and the other authors in thoughtful conversations. Thanks to you, authors and commenters.
That said, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and as always I am on my 36 hour Pre Thanksgiving Fast which precedes my Thanksgiving Day Cocktails, Gorging, and Traditional Late Afternoon Thanksgiving Day Nap. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.