Please Help Me Understand

I am a very simple person, with simple thought processes, and a pretty black and white view of things.   Since owning a firearm is essentially illegal in the City of Chicago (for now) can someone please explain this to me?

My Turn For Thoughts On Service

It seems Carl las opened up quite the can of worms talking about the shoddy service he receives on a regular basis in Chicago.   First off, Carl needs to move to Racine or Valparaiso and start commuting every day so he can begin to enjoy the fruits of living rural.   Jokes aside, I do have some relevant thoughts.

I agree with Ginny in her post on the subject on the red/blue states.

I tend to agree with the comments about red state/blue state divisions, though clearly it is  often a matter of rural/urban and mompop/corporate.

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You Don’t Say!

Seriously – they weren’t 16?   Great blog here  detailing the hacking.   The internet does appear to be forever, even in China.

Be Careful Around Wild Animals

the top of the pecking order

ChicagoBoyz is at the top of the pecking order.