Mike Lotus Presentation to the French Association for American Studies in Paris, France on May 23, 2014 about “America 3.0, Decentralization and the Tenth Amendment”

I spoke at the AFEA (The French Association for American Studies, Association Française d’Études Américaines) 2014 Conference on May 23, 2014 at the Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle. The title of the conference was The USA: Models, Counter-Models, The End of Models?

I attended at the invitation of Prof. Jérôme Noirot, of the Ecole Centrale, Lyon. I was initiated due to my coauthorship of America 3.0. My coauthor Jim Bennett was initially invited, but he had a conflict. Fortunately, I was able to attend in his place.

Heartfelt thanks to Prof. Noirot for the opportunity to participate in the conference.

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Caroline Glick speaking about “The Israeli Solution” for the David Horowitz Freedom Center

Caroline Glick, spoke on June 11, 2014 at the Union League Club in Chicago.

Her columns for the Jerusalem post are here.

She is promoting her book The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East. I purchased a copy and got it autographed, but I have not read it yet. In the book she advocates Israeli sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria, a/k/a the West Bank.

I find her argument entirely convincing.

A key piece of education for me was the Israeli birth rates versus Palestinian Arab birth rates. Israeli Jewish women are having more babies than anyone else in the developed world.

Here is a video of the same speech, given recently in Washington, DC.

Here is the Q&A from that event, which she says is even more important.

Quote of the evening: “The only thing in the Middle East that works is Israel.” Right.

America 3.0: Request for Amazon Reviews — we need to get up to 50 five star ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ reviews

Dear Friends:

I am told by a reliable source that, as soon as a book sold on Amazon reaches 50 five star (★★★★) reviews, Amazon starts touting that book to its customers by pointing out that Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought  this five star (★★★★★) rated book.

Today, America 3.0 has 39 five star (★★★★★) reviews.  That’s tantalizingly close to 50  five star (★★★★★) reviews.

I know several readers who have told me they liked the book very much, but have not yet posted a review on Amazon. So,  I hereby request that anyone who likes the book enough to give it five stars (★★★★★) on Amazon to please post a five star (★★★★★) review.

Note: your five star  (★★★★★) review can be whatever length you want, including the minimal length. You can edit your  five star  (★★★★★) review later if you want to heap on more  praise.

See you at  50.

“… a uniquely malignant threat to American exceptionalism”: Sen. Mike Lee Nails It

Government of course remains the problem, but the nature of that problem has evolved dramatically since Reagan’s first inaugural. If Republicans want to grow their party into a national majority, we must begin, as Reagan did in 1981, by confronting our present crisis: America’s large and growing Opportunity Deficit, namely, immobility among the poor and insecurity in the middle class.
Compounding the shortage of opportunities among the poor and middle class is an unholy union of big government, big business, and big special interests that twists public policy to benefit Washington insiders unfairly at the expense of everyone else.
This is America’s growing crisis of crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and policy privilege, and it represents a uniquely malignant threat to American exceptionalism.


Mike Lotus, America 3.0 and the Future of the Legal Profession Audio from the Presentation to the Federalist Society Student Chapter at Washburn Law School on April 17, 2014


Thanks to the Federalist Society chapter at Washburn University School of Law for inviting me to speak, and to the national Federalist Society for making the trip to Topeka possible.

This was my first talk as an authorized speaker for the Federalist Society. It was also the first time I gave a talk which discussed the future of lawyers and the legal profession and how they will help us to make the transition to America 3.0. I will be making tweaks and doing further research for future presentations.

Please note: If you are associated with a student or lawyer chapter of the Federalist Society, please contact me. I would like to speak to your group.