Micromachine Movies

Heard about the coming age of nanobots, have you? You’ll believe it when you see it, right? Me too. However, looks the building blocks for those micromachines are up and running. Ever thought you’d see a chip-scale motor? A gear train smaller than a pinhead?

This alignment clip is used in conjunction with a transmission. This complex device is entirely batch-fabricated, with no assembly required. Amazing!
(Sandia National Laboratories)

Here’s a birds-eye overview of a chip-scale, six gear train in operation. The black, pointed objects are tiny probes applying power to the “circuit” that runs the train. The tiny semi-circle in the center is the actual gear train. The object on the right is the actuator mechanism, where electrical forces are converted to mechanical movement, which then applies the mechanical power to the gears. This is a silicon machine.

And here’s a closeup of that tiny gear train running.

Here’s a comb drive linear actuator. The basic princle is that of opposite charges attracting and like charges repelling. The actuator in the center, attached to the bottom comb, is negatively charged. When the top comb is positively charged, the bottom comb is attracted, moving towards it. When the charge is reversed, the bottom comb is pushed away. Simple, no? You can see the charge reversing by the top comb alternately lighting up and going dark.

Perhaps what’s most impressive about these machines is their manufacturability. They are made from the same materials (silicon wafers and aluminum) and the same photo-lithography techniques as the chips in your computer. Most people don’t realize (why would they?) that those microchips are not single layer devices, but complex, 3-D, multilayer stacks of silicon, conductors, and dielectrics. Imagine building complex, reliable, low power, low cost machines using the same technologies. Impressive.

There are at least three facilities pursuing MEMS (micro electromechanical machine systems) that I’m aware of: Sandia National Lab, The Applied Physics Lab and UC Berkely. Darpa is a primary funding agency.

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A Nuclear Armed Iran; Does it Matter?

Amidst all the controversy, one needs to ask. Growing up in the Baltimore-Washington metro area, I spent most of my life with thousands of Russian ICBMs pointed at my head. I’m still here. So are you. Anyone who grew up in Moscow had the same, but polar opposite, experience. Because a nation is armed with nukes does not, by definition, mean those weapons will be used, whatever their dislike or distrust of the those people at whom the weapons are targeted. Which leads me to the larger question at hand, does the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran in and of itself justify a war, even a limited war, for their removal?

Let’s look at some possible courses of action.

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Secrets of the West

Der Westen der USA…

Wonderful photography of the American Southwest, courtesy of Steffen Synnatschke.

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Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO): Get The Facts

Following up on Shannon’s post below, a long overdue assessment on the dangers of DHMO contamination in our environment.

Pretty scary. One point they didn’t mention; despite it’s obviously dangerous nature and chemical persistence, the Clean Water Act makes absolutely NO reference to DHMO contamination in our rivers, lakes and reservoirs! Studies have shown you and your children are drinking water contaminated with DHMO. Be a proactive citizen. Act now. Ban DHMO. Your children will thank you.

Quote Of The Day

When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
-P.J. O’Rourke