High Ground Movie Tix

From Twitter:

@HighGroundMovie: @chicagoboyzblog Chicago: 7 free tix to veterans’ documentary HIGH GROUND 2/21 or 23 at the Siskel. Limit 2 http://owl.li/hQO51

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Technical Difficulties FIXED

Something is preventing comments from displaying in this blog’s right sidebar. I’m trying to track down the problem. It does not appear to be caused by any of the ad scripts in the header or left sidebar (which load before the right sidebar does). If you have a suggestion for what the problem might be you are welcome to leave it here as a comment.

Thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience.

UPDATE: The problem was caused by a bad character in a comment. Fixed now.

America 3.0 — Now Available for Pre-Order

As previously announced, Jim Bennett and Mike Lotus (a/k/a Lexington Green), have co-authored a book:

America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century – Why America’s Greatest Days Are Yet to Come.

The book is currently in the hands of our publisher, Encounter Books and editing is underway.

There is now an Amazon pre-order page for the book.

All such early orders would be very greatly appreciated.

The book is coming out in May. Promotional plans are chugging away. Any ideas anyone may have would be very much appreciated, and can be left in the comments on this post or future posts related to the book.

A friend asked for a three sentence summary. This is what I came up with:

America’s greatest days are yet to come. Just as the world of family farms and small businesses, America 1.0, gave way to the industrialized world of big cities, big business, big labor unions and big government, America 2.0, we are now moving into a new world of immense productivity, rapid technological progress, greater scope for individual and family-scale autonomy, and a leaner and strictly limited government. The cultural roots of the American people go back at least fifteen centuries, and make us individualistic, enterprising, and liberty-loving, equipping us to prosper in the upcoming America 3.0.

We will be posting frequently in the months ahead (both here and on the book’s own blog) about the America 3.0 and its arguments, and how the themes in the book relate to current events, to efforts to devise a long term strategy for the political Right in America, or to other writers or books which interest us or influenced us.

We anticipate setting up a Facebook and Twitter account for the book as well.

Stand by!

America’s Greatest Days are Yet to Come

We are proud to announce that James C. Bennett and Michael J. Lotus have completed their book America 3.0 and submitted the manuscript to their publisher, Encounter Books on Friday, November 30, 2012.

Please stand by for further announcements in this regard.

(Cross-Posted at America 3.0)