Lex on Milt Rosenberg talking About America 3.0


Turns out, this will not be live.

I will be recording a conversation wiht Milt Rosenberg on Friday, October 4, 2013. We will be discussing the book Jim Bennett and I wrote, America 3.0.

It is a real privilege to be on with Milt Rosenberg. He has been on the radio in Chicago for over 40 years, though he recently went “all Web, all the time.”

The link for the show is here.

When a link to my appearance on the show is available I will circulate it and post it here.

Possible South Florida Meetup, Saturday 28 September

La Vallée-de-Jacmel, Haïti

If all goes well, I will be arriving at MIA on American 1665 from Port-au-Prince at 3:35 PM local time this Saturday. The plan, such as it is, is that I call Jonathan once I am through customs. I somewhat inappropriately made reservations for lodging much closer to FLL, just because I like the place (Villa Europa in Hollywood) and haven’t had the chance to stay there in a while. So anyway, southern Floridians interested in a probable wide-ranging and somewhat ethanol-assisted discussion (#civilsociety #crisisof2020 #statefailure #younameit) are encouraged to contact Jonathan and … figure something out. Hey, I have people for that.

A Day of Prayer and Fasting

Pope Francis has called for a day of prayer and fasting for peace. I’m doing it. I hope you will, too. J

John Paul II opposed the invasion of Iraq. At the time I thought he was wrong. He proved to be right. I am paying more attention to His Holiness this time.

America 3.0 author Mike Lotus at America’s Future Foundation Chicago, Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

I will be speaking to on September 11, 2013 to the Chicago chapter of America’s Future Foundation about our book America 3.0, answering the question: “are America’s greatest days yet to come?”

Spoiler alert … The answer is YES.

Details at this handy link. (Interestingly, this page has a version of the cover of the book that we did not end up using.)

The event is at Ontourage, 157 West Ontario Street, Chicago, at 6:00 p.m.

You can purchase tickets here. General admission is $10, but for $30 you can pre-order the book as well. That is actually a pretty good deal.

I am thrilled to be speaking to AFF. I like their libertarian stance, which I mostly share. I like the earnestness and braininess. I like the liquor at their parties. I like the tenor of the evening at their events. I like the whole stimmung of it.

Our book has several target audiences, and our libertarian friends are one of them. Let’s see how the ideas go over with them.

I hope to see many of you there.

Catholic Citizens of Illinois to Host Michael Lotus, co-author of “America 3.0”

I will be speaking to Catholic Citizens of Illinois on October 11, 2013, at 11:45 a.m. at the Union League Club, 65 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago.

Tickets are $35.00. Business attire. Reservations required.

Call Maureen at 708-352-5834 to make a reservation.

Those who have not read the book yet can get one here. Bring it with you to the event for an autograph!

This will be a nice event. I expect to provide a “Catholic angle” on the book, especially our findings regarding the Absolute Nuclear Family in the United States and in the Anglosphere, past present and future.