Hypocrite and Thief No Longer

My posts on intellectual property here and here generated  many interesting comments.   I have more to add to this discussion, and have come to some realizations and conclusions – but am left with even more questions.

In the “Hypocrite” post, what I did was clearly wrong.   To review, what I did was watch a recently  aired pay per view event on a website that I found that was hosting a video of the event.   I didn’t email the site owner to see if he had a permission from the owners of the content to air the video, but it is virtually certain that he did not.   What I did there was wrong, illegal, and unethical.   I won’t do it again.   Which means that I won’t be watching UFC events until they come out for free on cable.   The price is just too steep for me.  

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The Automotive Century and Mass Production

On March 19, 1908, the Ford Model T was announced. Although the car would not begin shipping until September of that year, the response to the announcement was enthusiastic. One agent wrote, “we have rubbed our eyes several times to make sure we were not dreaming,” and another exclaimed, “It is without doubt the greatest creation in automobiles ever placed before a people, and it means that this circular alone will flood your factory with orders.”

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In the past I have been known to tell people who “share” music online that they are thieves. Not as if they are doing anything worth throwing them in jail for – don’t get me wrong there. But the fact that people who share files that happen to be copyrighted music to me smells like stealing. In other words, the product is being taken and used, and no royalty paid.

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Naive Observations Prompted by Foster

A) Business schools are difficult to get into – for freshman and those who finish core courses. When our students transfer they are told the average required for business is 3.8 or 3.9 (liberal arts is around 3, some engineering are lower than that, education is always low). The courses for engineering are, however, much more demanding. My daughter found the meeting for incoming liberal arts students at a 4-year school dominated by the majority who wanted to strategize getting into business. This emphasis on grade point means business attracts smart, competent majors; it may, however, discourage risk takers and people who want to take challenging classes.

B) When I was advising I found many students were pushed by their parents who ran businesses and thought that major would bring an acumen they lacked. I wonder if horticulture would help a florist or greenhouse business, construction science a home builder, etc. more. (Not that basic courses in accounting, management law, etc. wouldn’t be useful.)

C) In papers we typed, bound, etc., management techniques seemed “proved” in a soft science way. With my background in Henry James, I soon realized it takes an idiot to lose money in oil companies during boom years & a genius to make it during rough ones. Their examples were from boom years and seldom acknowledged the problems with such a cyclic industry. When I began in 1979, typing was a decent part of our business; when I sold it in 1992, papers had become a smaller – if much easier – part. Now, few make a living typing student papers. Such changes in technology are not always addressed in pure management models.

D) On the other hand, the business that bought me out was run by guys coming through business school. They were young and energetic when I was getting tired, but they also knew what they were doing. They are still making a good profit.