We finally had a beautiful evening on Friday night to walk about with a great sunset in River North. I like the jet plane above the high rise, as well.
Cross posted at LITGM
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
We finally had a beautiful evening on Friday night to walk about with a great sunset in River North. I like the jet plane above the high rise, as well.
Cross posted at LITGM
On May 5th I was walking through the Loop when I saw a long line of kids chanting and holding signs. Per this article it was an organized walk-out of about 700 Chicago Public School students to protest education cuts needed to close Illinois’ massive budget deficit. The “no 37” signs are referencing the fact that class sizes may go up to 37 students as a result of these cuts.
I read the article and the “journalist” who is covering the protests talks to students and they mention how their after-school programs are getting cut and that more students in a classroom means that the teachers will have less time to spend with each of the students.
What was interesting to me is that the article DID NOT mention that there were many teachers and non-students among the protesters. I could see them in the crowd, although the majority of the protesters were students. Obviously the teachers have their own motives for pushing back on financial cuts, including their own pay and job security. It does look much more convenient to have the students out front rather than the unionized teachers demanding that, although the state is broke, and their pensions are a significant cause of what is wrecking the state financially, that they shouldn’t bear any of the fiscal belt-tightening that is inevitable for Illinois in the future.
I also want to know if this message of teaching the students to agitate for more taxpayer funds is really a lesson that we should be imparting; the governor is proposing a 33% tax hike and he puts education on the block first because he knows that it is the part of the budget that will rile up the largest part of his political base (a variant of the “Washington Monument” strategy), rather than actually trying to tackle the core issues that are driving our state into financial insolvency. The students are pawns in this game, and demanding that taxes be raised on other people rather than sharing in the communal pain after our fiscal profligacy is a sad lesson to be teaching.
Cross posted at LITGM
More Vintage Mod Era Grooviness.
These guys were produced by Shel Talmy, who also produced The Kinks and The Who. Too bad they didn’t make it big, too. Wow: Talmy is still working, which is very cool. I would like to shake that man’s hand. How much unalloyed happiness did he help to create? Plus, he’s from Chicago, so he’s one of the Boyz.
(YouTube is the greatest thing ever. I have been devoted to this kind of music since I was about 15 years old, and I had heard of this group but never heard this song before. And now I can see an actual live performance by these guys, from the Golden Age itself, as if by magic, available on demand, for free … even on my phone? Whoa. We truly live in The Jetsons Age of totally crazy, knock-me-out coolness. I just wanted to register this note of happiness, and step back, and not take all this insane greatness for granted for a minute. Really, if you told people fifteen years ago about what we would have at our fingertips today they’d have said you were on drugs. I would not live in any other time or place for anything.)
Recently I took a few photos around Chicago of things that caught my eye.
Upper left – someone started an impromptu art project by putting orange string on the bridges across the Chicago River.
Upper middle – a car escapes the impound lot on Halsted avenue near the projects
Upper right – a strange bell that shows the weather; unfortunately it seems to be stuck on “colder”. Maybe this is the “misery bell” because this spring has been lousy…
Lower middle – I recently saw a guy trying to steam the junky, dirty snow off the street. This was new to me. Unfortunately he just gave up and started chipping away with a shovel and put it into the street, old school-style
Lower center – there is a big “Palm” advertisement with Trump Tower in the background. I remember when I bought my first palm pilot, probably a decade ago, and Palm was “cool”. Recently a stock analyst put a price target of ZERO on Palm’s common equity for their stock price… um that’s not good. But at least they can afford an expensive billboard
Lower right – another new billboard appeared in the neighborhood – this one is for “Cats Against Clay“. Apparently kitty litter is bad for cats. Or the price of a billboard is now so low that anyone can rent one. Perhaps one for LITGM, or Chicago Boyz?
I do not know much about modern dance but went to a show at Hubbard Street Dance on the north end of Millennium Park (right behind the cool music shell) and their facility has interesting colors and neon lights. I only had my crappy blog camera with me and took some photos. It reminds me of an updated version of the United Airlines connecting tunnel between terminals B and C at O’Hare.