Random Postings

-Coyote Blog has a couple of excellent posts (here and here) on the tension between civil liberties and official anti-terror measures. The Lipstick Republican has a related, and also excellent, post here.

The Dissident Frogman is posting again.

“The worst intersection in the City of Chicago”

The Importance of Being Miserable

Right, that’s enough thankfulness for this year. UofC College and B-school alum Bill Roule sends this story and comments:

This younger generation certainly lacks the guts we had. When we went to Chicago, we knew we were going to be miserable. We wanted to be miserable. We were proud we were miserable. Where is the sense of accomplishment if the task is easy? Seeing how the family can raise $1M in bond, I have my doubts that anyone there can explain this to her.

They’re wimps, all right. Notice this paragraph in the story:

None of the fires did serious damage. But after a fire was set in Swift Hall on Monday morning, and in three adjacent buildings on the following day, a number of the 12,000 students on campus had felt unsettled, said university spokesman Larry Arbeiter.

“Unsettled”? Unsettled?! They should have felt: 1) mildly interested in her technique; 2) amused by the prospect of retelling the story back home to horrified family and friends; 3) numb from finishing two papers and a physics problem set the previous night; or perhaps 4) nothing at all due to having seen no direct sunlight in several weeks. Not “unsettled.”
Pussies. ;^)


City of Light

Count the City Workers!

May 28, 11:00 PM: Michigan Ave. near Congress

I count at least 16 people doing landscaping work on this short stretch of Michigan Avenue, late Saturday night on a Memorial Day weekend. Urgent parade preparations or just the way things are done in Chicago?

62 Years Ago Today

Let all true Maroons pause for a moment on this anniversary, both to remember and look forward.