Blog Upgrade

Sparing no expense, Chicagoboyz has installed the latest screed technology to improve your reading experience.

Engineered with rhetorical precision.

Short Tour of Humor Friends

Harry Hutton links to a music video (via Sullivan). Probably a general rule of thumb might be that the male singer should have less cleavage than the female. (By the way, this doesn’t look or sound American to me – does anyone know where it’s from?)

Back to the midwest, which I (if not others) always find a pleasant alternative. Iowahawk is, well, the man. Anyway, the winner of Iowahawk’s Iowahawk Hoosegow Honey is Jesika – who is, indeed, quite attractive. Those that find that contest in bad taste may be entertained by his “Hungry Like Naomi Wolf” retro. Of course, rarified sensibilities might be offended by his treatment of butt-cracks & the victims of feminist voyeurs.

Reading Hutton’s complaint about the Yanks and Colombia: “They’ve been having a quagmire ever since they got independence from Spain, and I resent the way these Americans try to claim the credit for everything.” I laughed out loud. This would probably not seem quite as funny to someone who had not just subjected themselves to about half of a Booktv session with Morris Berman. Those guys (and I suspect he’s about my age) figure since they are in decline & since most of us are beginning to suspect the seventies didn’t work, the only conclusion must be that America is heading toward the dark ages. One of the problems with my generation is a lack of humility.

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Chicagoboyz love animals!

New! – Chicagoboyz Video

As our technological capabilities advance we hope to present educational videos on a broad range of important historical topics. Today’s presentation is the critically acclaimed Launching the Radio Controlled Plane:

(Coming soon: Lexington Green’s Invasion of Russia)

UPDATE: If you don’t see the video window, try refreshing your browser.

Separated at Birth?