Keller Provides Fodder

Since it seems pointless to deal with comments such as Billy’s (ah, yes, everything is about Rove & if not that elections – what a small prism through which to view the world), I wandered through other blogs. And found a certain kind of pleasure in two of the best: Iowahawk discovers a letter and Lileks writes a screed. As usual, both are witty & incisive. Thanks.

Tribute to a Blogger

From humble beginnings as an indentured child laborer carrying 100 Lb. sacks of dynamite through the coal mines of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to the heights of his current success as a mega-blogging celebrity lawyer, his story must be told.

Lexington Green

UPDATE: The awards ceremony!

Iowahawk – The Master

Iowahawk uses his Midwestern sensibility – wonderful, witty, wise – on the blogosphere & academia: “The Two Minute Snark.”

Great Minds Think Alike

Now here’s a man with good taste.

(Related posts: Here and Here)

Best! Video! Ever!

If you do nothing else this weekend you must watch this masterpiece.

Do it now.

Do it often.

Make it a part of your lifestyle.