Point & Counterpoint

Harry Reid (D Nuclear Waste Dump) elevates the debate on national issues. Bush responds.


A Chicago Boyz exclusive – don’t look for these in a regular dictionary any time soon.

condestruction (n.) a. the act of assembling related things or ideas into a coherent whole; b. the process of interpreting a text without reference to the reader’s ideology. antonym: deconstruction. synonym: dedemolition.

fauxlex (n.) a watch sold by a sidewalk vendor.

fer (v.t.) to fail to grasp an implication or hint.

irrationalize (v.i.) a. to offer a nonsensical excuse; b. to justify by means of babble and non-sequiturs. cf. hummina hummina.

lumpentelligentsia (n. col.) an educated and intellectual elite, chiefly employed in the food service industry.

kabbala-la-la (n.) an esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin as practiced in Los Angeles.

misleadership (n.) the process of directing the efforts of others by means of duplicity and treachery; the art of selling someone down the river under the pretext of a boat ride.

nere (adj.) neither here nor there.

penultimatum (n.) a. a semi-final demand backed by an insincere threat of force; specifically: b. the most severe type of resolution issued by United Nations.

thinwa (n.) an order or command to lose weight, usually issued by a physician or spouse.

Blog Verse

An anthem for our times.

Despite suggestions to the contrary, ChicagoBoyz know well how to accessorize and coordinate.

Spam of the Day

Wow. This guy knows one of my long-lost relatives and obviously has my interests at heart. And we could sure use some of that money to help defer the blog’s enormous hosting bill! I wonder what I should do?


Dear G ewirtz

I am Barrister Yinka Davis,a solicitor at law.
I am the personal attorney to Mr. Michael G ewirtz ,a
national of your country, who worked with PETRO BONDS Limited inBonny Island, River State as an Engineer and a Consultant inDeep Sea Oil Exploration. On the 4th of May 2002,my client was involved in a plan crash with EAS Air Line Boeing 727from Jos to Kano State along side his entire family in
which all the occupants died as a result of burnt sustained.

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