Fascinating essay over at Stratfor that details the hard decisions that Obama will have to make in the first few months after taking office.
I found the analysis of the situation in Afghanistan to be particularly interesting. Obama has promised to forge a coalition of NATO allies to help win the war there, as well as take some of the burden off of our own troops. I have always figured that to be a pipe dream since most of the European governments have cut back military budgets to the point that they simply cannot project force beyond their own borders without significant help from the Anglosphere, particularly the United States. What good will it do for President Obama to go to the Europeans, hat in hand, and ask for a greater military commitment when there simply is no military for them to commit?
Many of the people I know in the US military have expressed similar thoughts to me. It seems to be weighing rather heavily on their minds of late.
Anyway, there really is nothing that I can add that would be of any use. Click on that link at the top of this post to read it for yourself.
(Hat tip to Shooter.)