Random Thought

One hour of computer programming after ten hours of sleep is more productive than ten hours of computer programming after one hour of sleep.

Love and the Government

Linguists define the pulls and pushes on our identity: Biology & nature (man is a symbol-making, language using animal), society & nurture (we speak the language that surrounds us), and, finally, our separate and individual selves. We express our own vision, our own interpretation of life in our unique sentences. The unique nature of our choices is what contemporary tests for plagiarism reset on – the series of words we choose from our flexible language are not likely to be repeated in another document on Google or Turnitin. But biology is important. I don’t come from demonstrative people. The family jokes that I avoid hugs, touching, commitment. But that isn’t because I don’t think part of love’s impetus and expression is physical. Instinctive, it is biology, defined by culture; of course, it is also expressed in the unique ways of our clan, of ourselves.

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Desktop Black Hole

So, Chinese scientist have made a “desktop blackhole”. Big whoop. I’ve had one on my desktop for years.

At least, things tossed onto my desk seem to disappear completely never to be seen again. Clearly, Occam’s razor says that a black hole is the most likely explanation.

I’m Such a Geek, Part 233,426

So I read this post on Instapundit:

THE S.E.C.  spitting in the faces of fans. A roundup from Michael Silence.
What  are they thinking?

You know what I first thought when I read that? I thought, “The Securities and Exchange Commission has fans?”

I’ve got to get out more.

