Jonathan and John Jay say much that is wise about the nature of evil. However, not surprisingly, I have great affection for narratives. It isn’t just because I majored in lit; though I can be mean-spirited, anecdotal gossip helps me arrive at a greater understanding of human nature. We see conversation as a series of formed narratives – with structure, implicit thesis, tensions & resolutions. Unfortunately, I have an acquaintance who retells events honestly and factually; she never imposes interpretation indeed, she has no interpretations, no ends, and no broader applicability to her life or mine. As I listen, I become frustrated, realizing how much I expect a conversation to be a series of narratives.
Personal Narrative
My Investment Advice
Buy goats.
My niece paid something like $2500 for her goat “Cash.” Last Friday she won the 2007 Grand Champion Junior Market Goat at the Houston Rodeo.
The goat went at auction for $108,000! That’s a Clintonesque rate of return!
In any case, I hope she will remember her loving and supportive uncle and forget last summer’s unfortunate attempt at barbecued goat.
It’s a Small, Small Internet
My daughter sent me the following email:
i thought you’d like to know one of my co-workers was reading your blog and taking to me about it, without knowing who you or I were. Then yesterday your blog posting was sent to me on myspace. You’re all over the web and in the middle of the lancet study debate still. Just thought you would find it funny.
Happy Thanksgiving (and a personal OTOH)
May all Chicagoboyz writers & all Chicagoboyz readers have a pleasant Thanksgiving. Good turkey, good talk, good family times.
My oldest & her husband are home & we feel very thankful for them, their choices in life, and their warmth. My mother-in-law is 88 and will be bringing the salad & dessert. We are quite lucky.