Sunset Clouds

Sometimes I just get lucky with the dinky little pawn-shop purchased Kodak EasyShare….

Worthwhile Reading & Viewing

Some great spiderweb pictures

Glacier National Park pictures from D L Sly, who writes at Villainous Company

High school principal bans Chik-fil-A at Booster Club events.  She justifies her decision on grounds of “inclusivity and diversity.”  Well, I guess that could be one translation of the German term Gleichschaltung.

SWAT team raid on barbershop rebuked by appeals court

Wishful science:  “if there’s little incentive to publish negative results, whatever reigning paradigm is operating in a given field will be very resistant to change”

Years ago, Arthur Koestler asserted that human beings are basically crazy and that maybe it would be possible to develop a sanity-improving drug and put it in everyone’s drinking water.  I was reminded of Koestler’s suggestion by this:  Should we all take a bit of lithium?

Avoiding managerial groupthink with the right kind of diversity

People succeed where systems fail

Arguing with Leftists:  How narratives trump everything

Making subway cars in Yonkers:  a photo essay

New! The Essential Chicagoboyz Bog-Roll Reserve

Against the day when the danger of a zombie apocalypse is wiped from the earth…

Why, yes – Chicagoboyz shop at Costco or Sam’s Club. It is always more economical to purchase the staples you know you will need in bulk.

Blowing In the Wind

the great white way

Chicagoboyz are on a roll, nearly blown away by the seriousness of the current situation.

Fisheating Creek

Sunset and forest reflections play on silhouetted cypress knees near the shore of the lake at Ingram Crossing on Fisheating Creek in Florida's Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area. WATERMARKS WILL NOT APPEAR ON PRINTS OR LICENSED IMAGES. (Jonathan Gewirtz