Neko Case, Andy (2001)

Also, Neko doing Soulful Shade of Blue (2004)

Earlier Neko posts: You Belong to Me, Long Time Gone, and Train from Kansas City (along with a bunch of other stuff).

Weather Girls

Every day I get up at Oh Dark Thirty and trudge to the salt mines to make a few kopeks to keep the bill collectors at bay. I usually pick up a sugary soda (real sugar, mind you) and a couple of hard boiled eggs on the way, make my way to work and plunk myself down to blast away at my typically filled inbox. I get more done in the two hours before my employees show up than I do the rest of the day.

Along with my breakfast of champions described above I give myself one other guilty pleasure to start my day off. The Weather Girls. Every day I get my forecast delivered by several cute Asian ladies (I think these are actually Taiwanese). The forecast is always wrong, the cities are out of order and I don’t understand a word of what they say. Like it matters.

Today’s forecast was special. Tell me if you can see anything, well, unusual in this clip.

[youtube Y5AMRNYuqyk Weather Girls]

“Vegetarians from the Other Point of View”

Via Coyote Blog:


Jeb Corliss, Grinding The Crack

Jeb Corliss

ChicagoBoyz warning: Don’t try this without proper adult supervision.

Camera Obscura, Swans (2009)

The song is here.

(The video is just the album cover, so no point in putting it on here.)

It is absolutely triple-A rated ear candy.

I was having dinner at Noodles & Company (which is a pretty good chain) on Michigan Ave. a while ago and I heard over the noise this incredibly sweet pop song, with a girl singer, exactly my kind of thing, but I could not discern enough to track it down in the few seconds I heard out of it. I was downcast by this, figuring it was lost forever into the void. But then I went back there a few weeks later and was elated to hear it again. It was as delightful as I remembered it being. This time I was able to capture a few scraps of lyrics, and I was able to — get this — whistle the melody into my phone, so I wouldn’t forget it. I thought it might have been Camera Obscura, but I wasn’t sure, and my first efforts to identify it did not work out. When I got home I related this all to my son, who is by now well acquainted with my musical obsessions, and who has mad Internet noodling skilz. He quickly found it. So, a happy ending.

(I previously had another song by Camera Obscura on here called French Navy.)

Lyrics below the fold

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