Hillary Made Troops Wait in Line for Chow!

On Thanksgiving! Whoa. I hope this is true. It sure sounds like the old inconsiderate, self-centered Clintonian behavior:

U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton forced U.S. troops stationed at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan to wait for their Thanksgiving dinner last Thursday while she and her entourage arrived late, then cut in line and were served first.

Spread this tale far and wide, O my brothers … .

(Via Stone.)

(Stone also had a link to this astounding story, from Not Pretty, The Unkindness and Kindness of Strangers. It’s got nothing to do with Hillary, but damn. Hair-raising. Go read it.)

Is the U.S. Dollar Near a Low vs. the Euro?

Sure feels like it but what do I know.

Mark your calendars!

Dudes and dudesses, hear ye, hear ye, the place to be on Saturday December 20, 2003 is Fitzgerald’s in Berwyn, Illinois for the Los Straitjackets Christmas Pageant with The World Famous Pontani Sisters:

Shake off that winter chill and welcome in the holidays with the return of LOS STRAITJACKETS‘ CHRISTMAS PAGEANT, a festive music and dance extravaganza featuring the winning combination of the America’s foremost instrumental band coupled with the WORLD FAMOUS PONTANI SISTERS‘ burlesque/go-go choreography and retro-glam original costumes. After the phenomenal success of last year’s holiday tour, Los Straitjackets, fresh from touring for their new release, “Supersonic Guitars in 3-D”, have once again enlisted The World Famous Pontani Sisters, a trio of choreographed cuties who travel the globe on their quest to bring glamour back to entertainment, to kick start the holidays with a tour not even the Grinch could resist.

I saw this team tear the roof off last 4th of July. Get in the mood by listening to the Straitjackets fabulous Christmas album ‘Tis the Season for Los Straitjackets. (This features their cover of “It’s a Marshmallow World”, a song made legendary by Dean Martin, among other delectable seasonal morsels.)

No kidding kids, it doesn’t get any better than this. Be there. Aloha. (And Ho Ho Ho.)

(Check HERE for other locations on this tour, including Providence, NYC, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Minneapolis, Chicago …)

What A Crock

Covert CIA operative, my ass. Maybe she and her husband, who are not in any way milking her CIA employment, and supposed victimization by the eeevil Bush administration, for self-promotional purposes should head over to Geneva. They could help out with the unofficial Israeli-Palestinian “peace negotiations,” which are about as on-the-level as Wilson and Plame are.

Plame also mingled unobtrusively last month at a party at the home of The Washington Post’s Ben Bradlee and Sally Quinn. But there has been an invisible bubble around her as reporters have respected the desire of “Jane Bond,” as Wilson calls her, to remain in the Washington shadows.

Plame talked to Vanity Fair writer Vicky Ward on a not-for-attribution basis, and the only direct quote was “It’s such a mess,” referring to her under-renovation kitchen as she fussed over their 3-year-old twins. But the article contains such passages as: “Plame herself instantly thought that the leak was illegal.”

Wilson, who is pursuing a deal for a book that he says will be about more than just “the outing of my wife,” said they have had to make compromises to maintain Plame’s privacy.


(via Trend Macro)

Hillary … (No? But …)

Mickey Kaus thinks she may be positioning herself to run. (Via Instapundit) She is certainly coming up with something resembling a facially coherent critique of Bush’s Iraq policy, which is more than the Loathsome Nine have been willing or able to do. I have to say I was suprised that she let the November 21 deadline for New Hampshire pass, which I referred to as “D Day”. And I have been wavering on withdrawing my prediction that she’s running in ’04. But I still think all the same forces are in play, especially the wasting asset of Clinton creature Terry McAuliffe sitting atop the bags of money, and that it is still too early to rule out an HRC run. Perversely, Bush’s astronomical approval ratings, back up to 61% today, make me think she’ll get in even more. Bush, Sr. was at something like 90% when Bill got in back in ’92. The Clintons are clever political tacticians, but when the moment to strike comes, they are willing to take political risks.

I’m a lot less sure about Hillary than I was last January. But I have this nagging sense that as Dean seems more and more inevitable as the nominee, and more and more likely to be crushed by Bush, the more sensible Donks who actually want to try to win in ’04 are going to get more and more desperate. This all sets the stage for some kind of “surprise” intervention by HRC to “save” their bacon. So, I’ll stand by my prediction. She’s going to get in. I don’t know how, or when, or on what pretext, but she is.

(And if not Hillary, then Ralph. I can only hope … .)