Yes, it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day again.
I’m not sure how relevant this annual post is any more, since most members of our political class already act like pirates.
Previous Talk Like a Pirate posts:
Introducing Jim the Pirate
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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If I talk like the folks who sold us the Stimulus, does that count?
Jim the Pirate should give Obama a primary.
Arrrghh . . . Innkeeper, a tankard of Robtussin for me a flagon of chlorhydrate for the crew
A tankard of Robitussin sounds like a nice cold weather drink. But I will stick with the Nyquil Stinger
In yesterday’s local election in Berlin, the Pirate Party won 9% of the vote.
“Berlin Poll Hits Merkel Coalition” by William Boston in the WSJ on 19-Sep-2011
“Analysts said the Greens, despite their strong showing, lost potential voters to the upstart Pirate Party, an amalgam of Internet free-speech activists and leftist voters disappointed with the established parties. The Pirates were on course to win 9% of the vote, winning the group its first seats in any German regional parliament.”
When is talk like an Amish farmer day? Doest thou knoweth?
When I finish all of my chores and you finish thine.
You mean: … when thou hast finishest all of thine own.
They still have the classic nerd problem.
September 19, 2011
Pirates’ Strong Showing in Berlin Elections Surprises Even Them
By winning 8.9 percent of the vote in Sunday’s election in this city-state, these political pirates surpassed ”” blew away, really ”” every expectation for what was supposed to be a fringe, one-issue party promoting Internet freedom. The Pirates so outstripped expectations that all 15 candidates on their list won seats ”” seats are doled out based in part on votes for a party rather than for an individual. Normally parties list far more candidates than could ever make it, because if they win more than they nominate, the seat must remain unfilled.
These men in their 20s and 30s, who turned up at the imposing former Prussian state parliament building, some wearing hooded sweatshirts, and one a T-shirt of the comic book hero Captain America, were no longer merely madcap campaigners and gadflies. They had become the people’s elected representatives.
There were plenty of young people, many with dreadlocks or beards and a few with both, smoking hand-rolled cigarettes and sipping beer. Others wore jackets with CCC written on the back, short for the Chaos Computer Club, a hackers’ collective that got its start in Berlin and has an overlap in membership with the Pirates. …
Mayor Klaus Wowereit of Berlin, whose Social Democrats won the most votes on Sunday, assuring him a third term as the city’s mayor, may have paid the young party the highest compliment of all, taking it seriously enough to attack the day after the election. He raised a prickly problem for young men who spend their evenings writing computer code: There were next to no women in their group.